Having scanned through this morning's media reports on our game, don't it bring a smile to your face reading roughly the same narrative. It goes something like - we now are a serious contender to knock off the 'Riff(raff). All the talk is how we are "jam packed with athletic players" how we "have strike force all over the park", how we can "easily outscore any team", and how much our "defence has improved".
It's just pleasing to know that that old narrative of "but will they fall off the cliff like last year" has been well and truly put to bed. Make no mistake, the Rorters were coming into form and came to play last night. Their season was on the line. The first 20 minutes were brutal and the ref was fairly lenient (to say the least) with Hargreaves. Despite their mighty effort we kept them to zero, zip, nada for the first 40. After that the rorters lost heart and any hope of winning the battle, it was only the second half ineptness of the officiating that kept them in the game.
It was that first half performance that served as the Broncos official announcement that we are in this to win it this year. Bring on the Cows....and....
Frikkin giddy up!!!!