Caught a replay of St George v Penrith.
Panthers played well. They're an interesting side to watch in a lot of ways. A very mobile side that doesn't rely so much on power but more on getting quick play the balls and playing off the back of James Segeyaro who would have to be right up there as far as the Dally M Hooker of the Year voting is concerned.
Defensively they're not great but they have a couple of big hitters in Plum/Docker who can inspire the troops and they generally make good team decisions.
Dragons on the other hand seemed a little caught off guard by this game. Started well with a brilliant left hand shift but were constantly on the back-foot from that moment on and came up with the odd brain-fade which the Panthers took full advantage of.
Paul McGregor has done a fair job of getting something out of this squad but they still don't seem to be sure as themselves as a team and they're prone for these 'all or nothing' plays which places them under unnecessary pressure.
On paper, they still have a very comfortable run home against the likes of Canberra, Newcastle, Gold Coast & Brisbane but dare I say if the hoodoo gets them that's their season right done and dusted.
As a neutral, I'm pretty happy with the make-up of the Top 8. The only team I would like to see drop out is Canterbury since it's pretty clear that they don't have another gear left in them while I think a team like Parra or Brisbane could make a fair challenge under the right circumstances but it's just a matter of what happens over the course of the next month or so.