Finally just watched this. He 100% has got this wrong, there is no doubt in my mind. On the first angle, like everyone says, he has the hands mixed up. Aitken has the strapping, not Coates, replays throughout the footage confirm that. On the last shot (which he claims proves conclusively Aitken scores), not only can you see that it's Coates' hand that is on the ball under the other hand, you can even see as the pressure is applied to Coates' arm that caused the injury.
I honestly can't believe how they have got this wrong, and no one has come out and said something, either from the media or someone within the NRL. There has been so much made of this from the public that the only way the NRL or media are unaware would be if they live in a fucking isolated bubble where they are completely oblivious to the outside world. Otherwise, if they are aware, they are either gutless pricks or... the "confusion" was pre-meditated.