POST GAME Round 24 - Broncos vs Bulldogs

Man of the match for mine: McCullough, Man of the Match for Dogs, the ref. Legendary performance from the ref in blue and white tonight.
Slater was suspended for 7 weeks for a similar incident against the Tigers back in 2006. If Kasiano isn't out for at least that then the judicary is a joke.
Mbye said the Dogs controlled that game, ummmm right. The ref tried to control it for them but didn't bring it home for the Dogs as hard as they tried.
Slater was suspended for 7 weeks for a similar incident against the Tigers back in 2006. If Kasiano isn't out for at least that then the judicary is a joke.

He'll get 2 weeks with an early guilty plea and be fresh for the finals. I've lost all hope of seeing anything other than trash from the NRL.
Forward passes. Leg pulls. Face kicks. Offsides... The list goes on and we get no penalties. But Blair gets pinged for tackling? Wtf. Stop the corruption.

But anyway that last five minutes just shows this team is ready to be a team again. They rallied for Parker which is a really really good sign.
whats the odds kasiano gets off free. and blair get cited by the match review for that supposed shuolder charge
That last 10 minutes was the biggest cluster**** I think I have ever seen.

I'll say, I was shitting bricks cause all we had to to was keep our composure and complete one set.

Still pretty rusty with execution (letting balls bounce all night) and game awareness but other than that the boys are playing for each other again.
Nice to see the forwards fire up for their captain and not take a backward step
I'm just fucking waiting for it. If that occurs, the comp is officially corrupt

Can't have qld dominating origin and a qld team winning two grand finals in a row... Something stinks
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He'll get 2 weeks with an early guilty plea and be fresh for the finals. I've lost all hope of seeing anything other than trash from the NRL.

"Keep crying, Queensland"

Dogs were terrible, refs kept them in the game. At least Tony won't have to give Toddy a refund, he can cite the shithouse performance clause.
Is there a bigger myth in the game than Mbye? The way the media talk him up you would swear he is a cross between Thurston and Lockyer. He isn't even the best half at his club.
im really wondering if refs are as bad as we all think. it would be good to get unibiased view. becuase if u head over to the bulldogs forum it looks neally identical to ours with all there posters saying bs penalty corrupt nrl and refs

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