Rabs: Penrith have enjoyed 65-70% territory inside the half.
Kick from the scrum on play one, I wish Brisbane had have done that more with the Jet. It blew my mind when they did that against Souths in 2016 - my cousin had been calling for that play for close to a decade.
What an effort from O'Neill!
Great kick return there from O'Neill but he needed to pass inside to Hancock, that was a try for all money.
Brisbane lucky to survive there, Brandy goes for the old-school poke through from the play the ball but bobbles the ball over the line. Renouf then makes half a break but Brisbane let the opportunity fetter away. In the end Cann of all people has to put a kick through...and it was pretty decent.
That all comes back to O'Neill's effort to get himself into the field of goal, he doesn't get out, Penrith get a set of six in our half. Now with the Broncos in the lead, Panthers have to play catchup football.
Matterson normally a decent in game kicker, but that was horrible lol.