Round 4 Historic Match - Panthers vs Broncos

Does McCallum know the definition of forward? At least that evened up the earlier call against Kerrod.
Both sets there from either side have ended with very poor kicks.
LOL that ball didn't even get in the scrum.
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Rabs: Penrith have enjoyed 65-70% territory inside the half.


Kick from the scrum on play one, I wish Brisbane had have done that more with the Jet. It blew my mind when they did that against Souths in 2016 - my cousin had been calling for that play for close to a decade.
Oh no Terry just threw a pass to the touch judge in the first set.

Here comes Penrith.
Good kick from Brandy, Brisbane did well to survive that in the end.
What an effort from O'Neill!
Great kick return there from O'Neill but he needed to pass inside to Hancock, that was a try for all money.
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Awesome kick return from O'Neil, goes for a kick ahead but gets charged down by Penrith and Brisbane can't recover the ball.

Then Brandy puts in a great kick to earn a goal line drop out.

Brandy has taken Penrith up another level.
Brisbane lucky to survive there, Brandy goes for the old-school poke through from the play the ball but bobbles the ball over the line. Renouf then makes half a break but Brisbane let the opportunity fetter away. In the end Cann of all people has to put a kick through...and it was pretty decent.
Another tough penalty there against Brisbane, Carter instigated that incident.

Here comes Penrith.
Brandy's kicking game was so on point, it's Lewis esque how he keeps finding the sideline.
Wow that was a soft try, all that hard work only for Boyd to streak over easily from dummy half.

Plowman the villain here for Brisbane with a costly penalty when it appeared Brisbane had defended the set.
Wow another amazing effort from O'Neil to get the ball back into the field of play. Huge play in the context of the game.
if that Happened today, Brandy would also have been in the bin for a professional foul
How did Brandy get to stay on the field?

Huge play from Renouf to effectively win the game for Brisbane.
That all comes back to O'Neill's effort to get himself into the field of goal, he doesn't get out, Penrith get a set of six in our half. Now with the Broncos in the lead, Panthers have to play catchup football.
Matterson normally a decent in game kicker, but that was horrible lol.
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