POST GAME Round 5 - Bulldogs vs Broncos

Hi Everyone. I just joined today. I have been reading your thread for past few years now and there are definitely some interesting conversations. What i think the biggest problem with the broncos has been for the past few years is not having big enough of a forward back to make easy ground into opposition half. The last 5 rounds we have played, the opposition team have made easy ground with their 5 sets while we really struggle to make more than 50 meters in a set. it seems like we are constantly back peddling while opposition are make easy ground in the middle. This then does not allow us to be in a attacking position. Last night bulldogs where making more than 60 meters per set especially int the second half. I can remember one single set from our own goal line where we reached their 30 meters without a penalty.
What is helping us at the moment is a goal line defense. But we should not just relay on our goal line defense for helping us to win especially if we are unable to score points.
How many guys do you need? JD has been there doing it.

Who do you want as an assistant?

I don't care how many. Just one would be fine provided we could score now and then off something other than a fluky trick play.
It's not in play until it has gone 10m.

If you didn't have the rule you could run forward and stop it reaching the 10 and claim a penalty. It has to be allowed to reach it's maximum distance.

It hasn't been a problem

What shouldn't happen is that the team stuffing the kick up deriving a benefit. The ball clearly wasn't going to get ten metres so a little discretion could be used in such circumstance.
This was a game i missed, and in hindsight am not overly dissappointed. That said, from what i heard, the chief problem seems to be scoring/repeat sets when we have opponents in their 30, rather than trying to stop huge forwards making yards, or ours doing the same. I struggle to believe with 4 of the best players in their position, this is the case, but the evidence is there. I prepared to wait a little longer, but if we continue to look directionless on last tackle plays going into origin heads may roll. If as people say, moga had another poor defensive game, then he may have to go sooner than later. I would love to know how opacic is going, and how long he has to recover from his injuries. Id not be rushing him back but i wouldnt be giving him more than a couple of isc games to prove himself.
It was one of the worst draw and passes ive seen in my life. Steve Michaels would be proud

Exactly. He held up the pass drawing the defense towards Oates then threw a forward pass to him.
We've had overlaps on that side and Moga will run himself.
read the dictionary if you like



  1. broad comedy characterized by boisterous action, as the throwing of pies in actors' faces, mugging, and obvious farcical situations and jokes.
  2. a stick or lath used by harlequins, clowns, etc., as in pantomime, for striking other performers, especially a combination of laths that make a loud, clapping noise without hurting the person struck. reference. I will add that any actual respectable theatre dictionary or institute will clarify it as physical comedy as highlighted in the first definition here.

Now I can tailor that to readanyway I want to. However, one of my majors is in performing arts, I'm more than comfortable in knowing the meaning and 'not relying on others'.

Your joke was in poor taste. I'm not one to usually enter stupid debates on semantics so I'll leave it there.


  1. broad comedy characterized by boisterous action, as the throwing of pies in actors' faces, mugging, and obvious farcical situations and jokes.
  2. a stick or lath used by harlequins, clowns, etc., as in pantomime, for striking other performers, especially a combination of laths that make a loud, clapping noise without hurting the person struck. reference. I will add that any actual respectable theatre dictionary or institute will clarify it as physical comedy as highlighted in the first definition here.

Now I can tailor that to readanyway I want to. However, one of my majors is in performing arts, I'm more than comfortable in knowing the meaning and 'not relying on others'.

Your joke was in poor taste. I'm not one to usually enter stupid debates on semantics so I'll leave it there.
Pretty sure his joke was not slap-stick, but rather Parody. Just sayin.
I live on Hamilton Island and was just flattened by cyclone Debbie so have had no TV, internet or mobile service until just now... so went straight to BHQ to see how we went.
And this just tops of my week!!
Rewatched the game. Why was James Roberts playing? He couldn't do anything with the ball and was limping around after every tackle. What was the point of risking a hamstring injury in heavy conditions? He is becoming alot like Josh Dugan. After every tackle staying down or getting up limping around. It's a kind of a look at me kind of persona. Pandered to as kids I reckon. His effort on that first dropout was horrendous. Once he saw it go 10m or he had to do was scoop it back to somebody before it went out. He basically shielded it to go out. Two of the dumbest plays I have ever seen last night. As a first grade footballer you should know the rules.
Sooo I lost power at the 5 minute mark of the game last night and just got it back on, I listened to it on the radio, but it's pretty hard to get an accurate read on who played well / who didn't, anyone care to fill me in?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's probably not worth watching a replay.
Sooo I lost power at the 5 minute mark of the game last night and just got it back on, I listened to it on the radio, but it's pretty hard to get an accurate read on who played well / who didn't, anyone care to fill me in?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's probably not worth watching a replay.
Oates was great, With every run he did he gain 10 or more metres
I thought Moga was pretty good contrary to what people said on here last night. He was extremely strong with the ball and looked dangerous when we went left. His defence was a bit loose but I don't think it's just his problem on that left side. If he actually gets some decent attacking plays put on that side I think he will score a few pies.
How did Milford, Hunt & Boyd play? Also, was Roberts as injured as they made out on the radio? Why did we make him play with a strained hammy?
Sooo I lost power at the 5 minute mark of the game last night and just got it back on, I listened to it on the radio, but it's pretty hard to get an accurate read on who played well / who didn't, anyone care to fill me in?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's probably not worth watching a replay.
Watch the first 55 minutes. Our attack is a bit boring but all in all our defence was great and there was nice contact from our boys. Roberts stood out in d.
Kicking game is a lot better also. Even split between Milford and Hunt and mecca kicked more often also.
How did Milford, Hunt & Boyd play? Also, was Roberts as injured as they made out on the radio? Why did we make him play with a strained hammy?
It was no worse than what it was in rounds 1 and 2 I think was when he was struggling. Could probably hit about 90 percent speed wise, just was hobbling.
As @Socnorb mentioned, you are aware slapstick is when you LITERALLY hit other people or things for laughs right? Your joke was in pretty poor taste after all the media rubbish in recent weeks.
Maybe they both tried to walk through the restaurant door at the same time, and Bennett tried to poke her in the eyes which she blocked with her hand or maybe talanoa is just being a wise guy nyuck nyuck nyuck.
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