[Round 6, 2022] Panthers vs Broncos

Bad pass but Riki has dick fingers
Dead set man, I reckon if we pulled all of your posts and weighted positive or negative sentiment against each you’d be 95%+ negative.

Starting to think you’re a troll and not a supporter. Why do you follow the club if everything is so terrible?
We our two main props are suspended and the other one injured so yeah it’s not kevs fault either

This is the problem. You don't see the top teams using this excuse.

It is his fault, because he signed them instead of recognizing they aren't the right players for our squad and signing better quality forwards.

Somehow the top sides can find the gems but we can't. We find the dumb spuds.
I'm a huge fan but Hetherington should have played the ball instead of complaining, that hold back wouldn't of stopped him if he played on.