After a week of near hysteria (myself included) it has become painfully obvious that the top brass are willing to admit that Siebs is struggling and needs help, but they are adamant that they have chosen the right guy and they will stick by him.
There is no bye this year for Siebs to take a breather and take stock so he is going to have to fix this slump on the run. A few points to ponder:
1. They say a confident manager has no qualms of employing someone who may turnout to be better than themselves. I'm not sure this will happen in our case.
2. Our defence is our number one priority. This entails a) teamwork, b) working for each other, c) doing the 1 percenters, d) discipline and fitness, and finally e) attitude. a,b, c, and d are largely contingent on e. So it is essential there is a change in attitude throughout the club. This means owning the issue/problem/ whether it's perceived as the club not getting a fair shake or not. The attitude needs to be OWN IT and get the job done. Play to the whistle, head down, bum up and grind for the full 80 minutes no matter what is thrown at you.
3. We are humstrung with a number of players on huge contracts who are not performing. This is a given, so Siebs needs to grasp the nettle and tell them perform this week or your dropped. If we're in a rebuilding phase then let's get fair dinkum about it. If seniors don't want to put in - then see ya later give the young guns the rest of the season to get used to NRL. Hell, ensure the board sits down with them and reassures them that the primary aim here is to get them game time and so long as they are trying the results are secondary. We must draw a line in the sand now and make it be known that phoning it in will no longer be tolerated at this club.
4. Our shirts are an absolute abortion - change them now ffs!