We got what we deserved, results-wise. You can't lose the ball on first or second play in good ball positions and hope to beat the better sides.
If we respect the pill in the first half and build pressure it's a different second half completely.
One day we'll realise we can't win a comp by playing razzle dazzle for 20 minutes. Came close last year but the good teams will work us out.
I hope this is the game where Reece learns about holding the pass and taking the tackle. Same with Ezra.
I get it, they're still super inexperienced young players and we have to expect nights like that. It's just disappointing as I've seen Reece play Origin and make 0 errors, so he has it in him.
Anyway, season's not over, we'll be right in the mix, maybe not top 4 but we'll be a team that everyone will not want to play in crunch games.