Rugby League Australia most popular sport?


The Boss

NYC Player
Feb 15, 2016
Rugby League Australia most popular sport?
Quite surprised we are bigger then AFL.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Rugby League Australia most popular sport?
Quite surprised we are bigger then AFL.

It would be interesting to know where those statistics come from but let's say for argument's sake it is true, all it does is show how incompetent V'landys really is to sell the NRL for a pittance compared to the AFL but hey, he is apparently the NRL's saviour. What an incompetent idiot, that's what this shows if true.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
I'm not surprised by this as it's often said that NRL is a better product on TV whereas AFL is a better product in person.


State of Origin Rep
Dec 4, 2013
I'm not surprised by this as it's often said that NRL is a better product on TV whereas AFL is a better product in person.
While probably true, this is such a cope argument by afl zealots. How are you meant to sell your product to a wider audience if you’re required to be in the crowd to properly enjoy the sport? A person watching the afl for the first time in nz, rural Australia, or sea has to watch it on television.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
While probably true, this is such a cope argument by afl zealots. How are you meant to sell your product to a wider audience if you’re required to be in the crowd to properly enjoy the sport? A person watching the afl for the first time in nz, rural Australia, or sea has to watch it on television.

Yes what a horrible concept, imagine actually going to a game and expecting the experience to be better than on tv.


International Rep
Jun 5, 2015
I can watch afl if it’s a really, really, good close game. In fact I love it. The crowd is actually electric and the fans ride every moment and twist in the action. Otherwise it is a complete bore fest for me.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
I'm not surprised by this as it's often said that NRL is a better product on TV whereas AFL is a better product in person.
AFL is like the dwarf throwing of the football codes. Go watch it if you must, but please don't talk about it afterwards.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
I thought I'd leave this here. this was posted on Optus Sport's facebook page. it links to an article questioning why soccer is so poorly funded in this country, despite their participation number massively eclipsing all other sports

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International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
Been to a couple of AFL games live and it bored the pants off me but i can see why some people like it, its just not for me. NRL for me is a better watch, both live and on TV but the fans at games dont compare with any football games i've been to. Its not even close.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Been to a couple of AFL games live and it bored the pants off me but i can see why some people like it, its just not for me. NRL for me is a better watch, both live and on TV but the fans at games dont compare with any football games i've been to. Its not even close.

Yeah I totally disagree. NRL games have no atmosphere on tv and often even less live unless you are at Suncorp or at a big game. Go to any AFL game and the roar is electric. Of course I will get howled down because this is a league forum but often Qlders do exactly what the claim Victorians do and claim league is better just because it is what they have grown up with and think it is the best thing ever because again, it is what they grow up with.

The issue is also that the number of kids involved in sports other than league at a young age is huge. This combined with massive amounts of marketing in Qld by other codes, especially AFL AND the fact the Lions are really, really good at the moment and the NRL just comes across as a broken competition, the effect of all this will be felt in the next generation. Let's see what happens then.

Regardless, league will always be strong in Qld because of the Polynesian communities in league heartland.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
Yeah I totally disagree. NRL games have no atmosphere on tv and often even less live unless you are at Suncorp or at a big game. Go to any AFL game and the roar is electric. Of course I will get howled down because this is a league forum but often Qlders do exactly what the claim Victorians do and claim league is better just because it is what they have grown up with and think it is the best thing ever because again, it is what they grow up with.

The issue is also that the number of kids involved in sports other than league at a young age is huge. This combined with massive amounts of marketing in Qld by other codes, especially AFL AND the fact the Lions are really, really good at the moment and the NRL just comes across as a broken competition, the effect of all this will be felt in the next generation. Let's see what happens then.

Regardless, league will always be strong in Qld because of the Polynesian communities in league heartland.

I've been to AFL games and i dont find the atmosphere electric. I've said in the past i dont think League crowds are electric either, i think both sports are pretty tame in terms of crowds, just from my perspective i prefer to watch League both live and on TV.

I've been to plenty of football games even at fairly low levels and the crowds are just a million times better. Even at Origin level, which is a huge rivalry, its not even remotely comparable say to something like the Old Firm derby in Scotland, or any of the big derby games i've been to in English football, or even St Helens vs Wigan.

I dont think Leagues power in Queensland has anything to do with Polynesians. Its been there before they had the numbers they had in the game, and i think it will be there if they ever leave in numbers. Queensland for whatever reason is a different beast when it comes to league. The pinnacle isnt to play for your Country, its to represent your state. I cant think of a single Queensland player i know thats ever said to me they want to do anything but pull on that Maroon jersey, Australia is a distant second. I just think its unique to Queensland Rugby League and i dont think any other code anywhere has that. Its not like other codes havent tried to replicate the concept, but it only seems to work because of what the Queenslanders bring imo.

Football has the numbers to take over in terms of kids sports in Australia if they ever backed it. They were on the cusp a few years ago when they had top players playing in the top competitions, the A-League was a decent quality as well but i think through a lack of funding and poor coverage its just never kicked on which is a shame.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
I've been to AFL games and i dont find the atmosphere electric. I've said in the past i dont think League crowds are electric either, i think both sports are pretty tame in terms of crowds, just from my perspective i prefer to watch League both live and on TV.

I've been to plenty of football games even at fairly low levels and the crowds are just a million times better. Even at Origin level, which is a huge rivalry, its not even remotely comparable say to something like the Old Firm derby in Scotland, or any of the big derby games i've been to in English football, or even St Helens vs Wigan.

I dont think Leagues power in Queensland has anything to do with Polynesians. Its been there before they had the numbers they had in the game, and i think it will be there if they ever leave in numbers. Queensland for whatever reason is a different beast when it comes to league. The pinnacle isnt to play for your Country, its to represent your state. I cant think of a single Queensland player i know thats ever said to me they want to do anything but pull on that Maroon jersey, Australia is a distant second. I just think its unique to Queensland Rugby League and i dont think any other code anywhere has that. Its not like other codes havent tried to replicate the concept, but it only seems to work because of what the Queenslanders bring imo.

Football has the numbers to take over in terms of kids sports in Australia if they ever backed it. They were on the cusp a few years ago when they had top players playing in the top competitions, the A-League was a decent quality as well but i think through a lack of funding and poor coverage its just never kicked on which is a shame.

I'm assuming you haven't been to a Lions game at the Gabba recently because yeah, when they sucked, it was not electric at all, kind of like when the Broncos suck but recently, the Lions have had outstanding crowds. I just don't think anyone who has been to a Lions or almost any AFL game outside of Greater Western Sydney / the Gold Coast could think it wasn't electric, it just is, almost always.

Origin is massive at the game in the crowd. If you are referring to not having someone blowing endlessly on a vuvazuela or whatever you call it or relentlessly beating a drum, sure the atmosphere isn't the shame. But in terms of pure crowd noise, very little rivals an origin, especially at Suncorp.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
I'm assuming you haven't been to a Lions game at the Gabba recently because yeah, when they sucked, it was not electric at all, kind of like when the Broncos suck but recently, the Lions have had outstanding crowds. I just don't think anyone who has been to a Lions or almost any AFL game outside of Greater Western Sydney / the Gold Coast could think it wasn't electric, it just is, almost always.

Origin is massive at the game in the crowd. If you are referring to not having someone blowing endlessly on a vuvazuela or whatever you call it or relentlessly beating a drum, sure the atmosphere isn't the shame. But in terms of pure crowd noise, very little rivals an origin, especially at Suncorp.

Cant remember the exact date but they beat Collingwood, around August 2021. Big win for them but i cant say the atmosphere blew me away.

Nobody blows Vuvazuela's at football games apart from that world cup in south africa. I've been to Origin, and i've been to plenty of Premier league games, championship games in England and they are pretty much the same as Origin just for a regular league game. The Derby games are another step up and the Old Firm derby in Scotland is on another level to anything i've ever seen. Thats literally none stop noise and pure and utter hatred from both sets of supporters. Football crowds are just different in England. Just more banter between the fans and a lot noisier than fans of pretty much every code i have watched over here.

The Boss

NYC Player
Feb 15, 2016
Soccer will never be big despite high participation numbers as most are kids who parents don't want playing contact sport young age. My nephew plays soccer but tells me all they talk about during training is nrl. It's seen as a activity not a legit pathway. Problems is soccer it's like 2-3k for a child to get great coaching and lots of politics being good enough isn't enough


State of Origin Captain
Jun 13, 2019
I thought I'd leave this here. this was posted on Optus Sport's facebook page. it links to an article questioning why soccer is so poorly funded in this country, despite their participation number massively eclipsing all other sports

View attachment 20442
It's similar in the US Football(soccer)dominates youth participation but NFL dominates interest from a sporting perspective, I said it in the RL is dying thread but alot of these sports at a youth level are dictated by their gatekeeper(mum) even if their interest is in another sport.

Interest is key because it drives progress to getting into rep teams, which is where the quality comes from.

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