Nah, I was born and bred into soccer and can understand how a League fan could find it boring, although the comparison with Yawnion is pretty unfair imo.
Soccer can be attractive and has something no other game can rival, which is the incredible skill on display, especially at the top level.
However, it's also a game full of cheats and actors, and is completely at the mercy of tycoons and magnates, who try to "buy" trophees and titles, by pinching players from the hard working, but less fortunate clubs, who nurtured said players into stars.
All of the above irks me to no end, even more so after I was introduced to League, where honor and fairplay still means something, even though it's probably the toughest game on the planet...
But I don't want to hijack the thread, so as far as I'm concerned:
/soccer rant