Russel Crowe takes the rabbitohs to spain

Crowe takes every chance to promote the game worldwide and he truly embodies the role of a sports ambassador. Whether he's known as the Gladiator or foighting roun the worl this is a person who gets more, much more of Warhols 15 mins of fame (paraphrased) we are all supposedly entitled to. With this opportunity Crowe could choose any one of a million subjects to push,promote or extol the virtues of but, he chooses something truly close to his heart. He does'nt even think promoting RL in a country with a different language or national pastime is a waste of his time. We've never had someone of his absolute worldwide profile so passionately supporting what is a highly localised game.

If you went to Iceland or India or anyplace in between there's few on this Earth who don't recognize Crowe and he's helping me. Well that's how I view it because every chance I've had to convince those from foreign lands about the greatness of our game ,I've taken it. I'm carrying the torch a little, Crowes carrying the bulk.
I finally have something I can agree and respect Russell for: he is totally against Australia or NZ becoming republics. On ya Rusty! You're not as bad as I thought.