PLAYER Selwyn Cobbo

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Painted by Steve Renoir - it is called 'Almost Gillett'

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Painted by Steve Renoir - it's called 'The Veer'

Haha, I tried the same trying for a nice Steve Renoir self-portrait but clearly AI doesn't know who the Pearl is. Blasphemy...

My fave was 'Fleeing the Disembodied Foot':

How did Justin Hodges turn out?
There's some stories out there of his training ethic and Im sure we all remember his origin debut at 20 years old.
Not everyone has the will to win that Justin Hodges has. Did you ever see Hodges smiling after he made an error or a player scored a try on him?
Then why reply to my post about Steve Renoir?

Seems a bit dis-jointed to say the least. But let's move on.
lol i now get your resonse. wasnt actually reolying to you.. jyst a fenerak comnent . but am not great on navigating the site so think that went in the wrong bucket

sorry all
Not everyone has the will to win that Justin Hodges has. Did you ever see Hodges smiling after he made an error or a player scored a try on him?
Fair. but i saw plenty of cheeky grins ftom hogro

not trashing what you have said but plenty back in the day, me included, would never have thought Hodgeo would cone back to broncs and be a legend. just guve Cibbmeister a chance.. i reckon he will exceed expectation
Not everyone has the will to win that Justin Hodges has. Did you ever see Hodges smiling after he made an error or a player scored a try on him?

Everyone reacts differently to different things. One player might throw the ball into the ground or thump a fist against their head, another might be cool and collected and show very little emotion at all, and yet another might smile nervously or out of reflex, because that's in their nature and it's become an unconscious habit. Doesn't mean all three don't take it to heart or have differing thoughts on the adverse effects of that mistake.

When I'm at work and I make a mistake, I'll generally turn to self-deprecating humour, and people who didn't know me might think that I'm being glib and dismissive - but my team knows that's not the case, and that I fully understand the gravity of the situation and am committed to fixing it as soon as possible, no matter what.
Everyone reacts differently to different things. One player might throw the ball into the ground or thump a fist against their head, another might be cool and collected and show very little emotion at all, and yet another might smile nervously or out of reflex, because that's in their nature and it's become an unconscious habit. Doesn't mean all three don't take it to heart or have differing thoughts on the adverse effects of that mistake.

When I'm at work and I make a mistake, I'll generally turn to self-deprecating humour, and people who didn't know me might think that I'm being glib and dismissive - but my team knows that's not the case, and that I fully understand the gravity of the situation and am committed to fixing it as soon as possible, no matter what.
If we cherry pick things and don’t take everything else into account, his response to failure might not matter as much. But with all of the information we have (plus the info given to me by someone at the club), it makes me worried.
If we cherry pick things and don’t take everything else into account, his response to failure might not matter as much. But with all of the information we have (plus the info given to me by someone at the club), it makes me worried.

And that's fair enough from your perspective. I have no argument against your feeling that way.

For mine, I'm happy to forgive the podcast as a youthful mistake, which the team seems to have done as well. I also personally believe there are some mental health issues at play that particularly affected Selwyn towards the end of last year, so I don't have great concerns about his being rested then - I actually think that's a great approach from the club, if it was a genuine response to broader wellbeing concerns for Selwyn. Caveat there - I don't have any insider knowledge, so I'll readily admit that maybe I'm being too optimistic in thinking that, but I'd rather think the best than the worst, honestly. And Selwyn leaving a game he wasn't playing in early... I cannot imagine he's the first or will be the last, and I don't consider that any grave strike against his character. It's not ideal, but it's not really pushing the needle for me.

I don't have that additional information that you have, and I don't know your source, and it's always going to be problematic relying on second-hand information to convince other people to change their minds. Perhaps if I knew your source I'd think the same way as you - or perhaps not, because maybe I'd consider that there were some biases at play that you might discount. I'm not in anyway saying that there are - but again, everyone views everything through a different lens, processes it from different perspectives, and form unique opinions.

So based on the information I have - bits that are fact (for instance, Selwyn is young), bits that are subjective but seemingly broadly agreed upon (for instance, Selwyn is shy and likely immature, even for his age), and bits that are conjecture on my part (for instance, there's mental health issues at play), his response to failure - smiling at what could be considered inappropriate times - is not a great concern to me.

My ardent hope is that, regardless of the truth, the club is doing all it can to support and nurture Selwyn - and Reece and Deine and Brendan and all of their young guys - so that he does grow and mature and fulfil his potential. Something else that makes me optimistic is that Billy Slater has continued to pick Selwyn in the Queensland team - for one, because I don't think Billy would tolerate a poor attitude, and also because I think Billy is proving himself to be a really good mentor for these players.
And that's fair enough from your perspective. I have no argument against your feeling that way.

For mine, I'm happy to forgive the podcast as a youthful mistake, which the team seems to have done as well. I also personally believe there are some mental health issues at play that particularly affected Selwyn towards the end of last year, so I don't have great concerns about his being rested then - I actually think that's a great approach from the club, if it was a genuine response to broader wellbeing concerns for Selwyn. Caveat there - I don't have any insider knowledge, so I'll readily admit that maybe I'm being too optimistic in thinking that, but I'd rather think the best than the worst, honestly. And Selwyn leaving a game he wasn't playing in early... I cannot imagine he's the first or will be the last, and I don't consider that any grave strike against his character. It's not ideal, but it's not really pushing the needle for me.

I don't have that additional information that you have, and I don't know your source, and it's always going to be problematic relying on second-hand information to convince other people to change their minds. Perhaps if I knew your source I'd think the same way as you - or perhaps not, because maybe I'd consider that there were some biases at play that you might discount. I'm not in anyway saying that there are - but again, everyone views everything through a different lens, processes it from different perspectives, and form unique opinions.

So based on the information I have - bits that are fact (for instance, Selwyn is young), bits that are subjective but seemingly broadly agreed upon (for instance, Selwyn is shy and likely immature, even for his age), and bits that are conjecture on my part (for instance, there's mental health issues at play), his response to failure - smiling at what could be considered inappropriate times - is not a great concern to me.

My ardent hope is that, regardless of the truth, the club is doing all it can to support and nurture Selwyn - and Reece and Deine and Brendan and all of their young guys - so that he does grow and mature and fulfil his potential. Something else that makes me optimistic is that Billy Slater has continued to pick Selwyn in the Queensland team - for one, because I don't think Billy would tolerate a poor attitude, and also because I think Billy is proving himself to be a really good mentor for these players.
I’m not trying to change anyone’s opinion. I’d rather they didn’t try to bait me when he does something well, because I also want all of those things you just said to be true.

I feel that he has made plenty of mistakes and it should not be an issue to point it out, then I made the mistake of telling everyone something they didn’t want to hear.

I hope there’s improvement in his game and his personality. When he does good things I cheer as much as everyone else does.
I’m not trying to change anyone’s opinion. I’d rather they didn’t try to bait me when he does something well, because I also want all of those things you just said to be true.

I feel that he has made plenty of mistakes and it should not be an issue to point it out, then I made the mistake of telling everyone something they didn’t want to hear.

I hope there’s improvement in his game and his personality. When he does good things I cheer as much as everyone else does.

Apologies, I shouldn't have phrased it in that way. My point was more that everyone is going to view things differently based on their own experiences, sphere of knowledge, and subjective consideration - and importantly that's not wrong or right, it's just the way things are. Also apologies if it ever seemed like I was baiting you - often the nonsense I post on here is generally done so with tongue firmly in cheek, and there can sometimes be an inescapable absurdism to pages of back-and-forths covering the same territory again and again that tempts me to sneak in something that I feel is generally aimless light-hearted mockery.

Anyway, I think we can all agree that the only objective truth is that Billy Walters is the greatest hooker to ever play the game, and no one can argue that.
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