These ***** only lost 4 penalty counts in the entire 2017 season and they are currently winning this years penalty count too. Wouldn’t surprise me if they also won those seasonal penalty counts back in 2015 and 2016 too.
I knew everything went fishy from their 2015 round 4 clash against Melbourne. Dead last after round 3 and had 44 put on them twice. Then these ***** get all the leg ups and dodgy decisions, every fucking game. Yet the blind dumbfuck general public keeps whinging about our club.
Shows you how shit the cowboys really are. Need the refs to win a game and a free title and have been shit since their inception 23 years ago.
Their current position - that’s the real cowboys team all along.
Oh and whoever invented [HASHTAG]#PenaltyBroncos[/HASHTAG] needs a bullet to the head. Fucker doesn’t even do his research. Probably a cowfuck themselves.