NEWS The biff is back

Kevin Walters has reanimated 61 year old hard man Mark "Chopper" Burgess and brought him back to life as a part time conditioning trainer working alongside Alex Corvo.


“I’m looking forward to being back at the Broncos. It’s a whole new regime. Kevvie Walters, Dave Donaghy and Ben Ikin are there. It’s a new generation of players and a new gym, everything will be new to me … but I’m going to bring some old school training back to the Broncos. That’s what the current Broncos are lacking in my eyes, they need a harder edge and some old-school methods. There will be no shortcuts. I want the guys to get in there, train hard, eat right, play hard and if you do that, you put yourself in a position to win titles.”


Something the matter, mate?

“My methods have worked at the Reds and previously the Broncos, so let’s try and make it work again,” said Burgess, who has had more than 100 amateur fights. Brad Thorn is old school and his methods at the Reds have worked. Dave Ballard got in contact with me a while ago and my message will be creating unity and using boxing as a vehicle. The whole concept around boxing is promoting unity, camaraderie and self-esteem and that’s the message I want the guys to learn. I know Adam Reynolds well from Souths and Payne Haas is a freakish athlete for a big boy, so I’m looking forward to training him. I start on Wednesday and I’ll be doing a couple of sessions a week. I’m there to support Dave and Alex, so if they think someone needs extras, that’s where I come in and I’ll work them hard on rehab stuff.”

Ben Ikin:

“My first experience with Chopper was when I was back playing at the Broncos and he is certainly unique, they won’t make another one. He can tear you down and build you up, but at the end of the process you always feel like you are more capable as a person. His ability to take players, throw a different style of training at them, which is boxing, and work hard and build self-confidence is what makes him special.”

Jason Simmons

Jason Simmons

NRL Captain
Apr 18, 2013
Still a puppy in Jack Russell years. They become a little bit less insane as they age. But only marginally. I hope he's on the mend.
I hope so too. My last one made 17 with most of his faculties intact… But went downhill very quickly at the end. 🥲


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
I hope so too. My last one made 17 with most of his faculties intact… But went downhill very quickly at the end. 🥲
Mine made it to 12-13, but also went downhill fast. That candle burnt bright the whole way though.


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