In a very reductive sense, yes. But what I'm really asking is that fans be mindful of the path this decision is taking us down. Sure, it's a coffee a week at the moment for all that content, but it WAS just earlier this year free. I think it's already apparent the effect the new Fox NRL Media influence has had on the game, e.g., contract negotiations, public perception, rule changes, fan engagement, etc. and now they are asking that you pay for that, on top of what you already paid as a fan. The better option is to be involved directly with the club, not some middle-man distributor/huckster. Go to the game live. Watch the game at a local business (e.g. Pub/League's Club).
Sure, you can say that it's X-price now and that is cheap, but once it is the only market in town the prices will rise.
I'm only asking that we are not so shortsighted in this issue and pass it off as nothing. Because it is a strong move towards monopoly.