OFFICIAL The Kevolution - (Walters new coach of the Broncos)

I read this too. What I'm saying is I hope he has already been active but unable to announce anything yet, coz if he hasn't he's kinda missed the boat for season 2021 on quite a few decent options.
Agree. I hope we are just waiting until our new ceo and coach are appointed officially to announce what we’ve been cooking. Otherwise 2020 is gonna be more of the same.
I wouldn't want to declare certain players guilty of wilfully playing poorly to get rid of Pies and avenge the ghost of coaches past. There seems to be a drive, not just in the Seibold supporters or Bennett's boys or even in the wacky White-whisperer but in all of us, to just ascribe motivations from afar with no knowledge of any of the details and just assume it to be true because it's what we want to hear. Who wouldn't want it (whether the it in question is our 2020 spoon or defensive shitness or allegedly fucked salary cap or any of the other problems we face going forward) to be the result of someone's deliberate choices so we can root that person out, punish them appropriately and then march forward together in gloriously harmony to a gloriouser premiership or three. Much better that than being the result of an exceedingly complex web of multiple actors and factors and semi-random events we're ultimately at the mercy of, lacking the detailed knowledge to even get to the source of our woes let alone right them.

I mean it's absolutely possible high performance professional athletes, some of whom had their careers on the line, just decided **** it I'll play terribly to get revenge for Wayne, in the same way that it's absolutely possible I'll win powerball. And how easy would that be to solve, we can just pile blame upon Milford or Boyd or Macca or next week's flogging boy and then when they've shot through it'll all be sweet. It doesn't really bear with my experiences in life though.
I wouldn't want to declare certain players guilty of wilfully playing poorly to get rid of Pies and avenge the ghost of coaches past. There seems to be a drive, not just in the Seibold supporters or Bennett's boys or even in the wacky White-whisperer but in all of us, to just ascribe motivations from afar with no knowledge of any of the details and just assume it to be true because it's what we want to hear. Who wouldn't want it (whether the it in question is our 2020 spoon or defensive shitness or allegedly fucked salary cap or any of the other problems we face going forward) to be the result of someone's deliberate choices so we can root that person out, punish them appropriately and then march forward together in gloriously harmony to a gloriouser premiership or three. Much better that than being the result of an exceedingly complex web of multiple actors and factors and semi-random events we're ultimately at the mercy of, lacking the detailed knowledge to even get to the source of our woes let alone right them.

I mean it's absolutely possible high performance professional athletes, some of whom had their careers on the line, just decided **** it I'll play terribly to get revenge for Wayne, in the same way that it's absolutely possible I'll win powerball. And how easy would that be to solve, we can just pile blame upon Milford or Boyd or Macca or next week's flogging boy and then when they've shot through it'll all be sweet. It doesn't really bear with my experiences in life though.

I am suggesting that the players to whom I referred just couldn't give a ****, and their performances on the field this year showed that, and I reckon most of us on here noted that during the season - a lack of attitude, commitment, dedication, "putting in", so for mine, the lack of those key ingredients in their play is tantamount to a deliberate choice, a choice not to care, and therefore a "**** you" to the club and fans .. and the coach.

I suspect that Walters is on to that and won't stand for it under his watch.
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I'd like to think that players come to the club first because they want to play for the Broncos
I’d like to think that too. Fortunately we were lucky enough to have the best coach ever at the club which was also a massive draw card, especially for non-Queensland players such as TPJ and Roberts.
I am suggesting that the players to whom I referred just couldn't give a ****, and their performances on the field this year showed that, and I reckon most of us on here noted that during the season - a lack of attitude, commitment, dedication, "putting in", so for mine, the lack of those key ingredients in their play is tantamount to a deliberate choice, a choice not to care, and therefore a "**** you" to the club and fans .. and the coach.

I suspect that Walters is on to that and won't stand for it under his watch.
Based on what though?
Based on what though?

Based on what I perceive as the clarity and focus with which Walters has applied himself to fix and maintain the real meaning of what it means to be a Bronco, starting with his review of the roster. One part of this is his decision, as he put it from (imperfect) memory, taking Milford under his wing, with thoughts of making him captain, and apparently singling out Lodge for a chat, at least that is how I read that. The rest of any roster changes (if any) we are yet to see. And after the last 2 deteriorating years, defining and ensuring what loyalty means between player and coach. For starters. Which is what he was in large part hired to do - find the reasons for, deal with them, and begin to reverse the decline. A cultural shift, amongst the playing group for starters.
The Walters twins are apparently going to be on 4bc between 8:30 and 9am today
I wouldn't want to declare certain players guilty of wilfully playing poorly to get rid of Pies and avenge the ghost of coaches past. There seems to be a drive, not just in the Seibold supporters or Bennett's boys or even in the wacky White-whisperer but in all of us, to just ascribe motivations from afar with no knowledge of any of the details and just assume it to be true because it's what we want to hear. Who wouldn't want it (whether the it in question is our 2020 spoon or defensive shitness or allegedly fucked salary cap or any of the other problems we face going forward) to be the result of someone's deliberate choices so we can root that person out, punish them appropriately and then march forward together in gloriously harmony to a gloriouser premiership or three. Much better that than being the result of an exceedingly complex web of multiple actors and factors and semi-random events we're ultimately at the mercy of, lacking the detailed knowledge to even get to the source of our woes let alone right them.

I mean it's absolutely possible high performance professional athletes, some of whom had their careers on the line, just decided **** it I'll play terribly to get revenge for Wayne, in the same way that it's absolutely possible I'll win powerball. And how easy would that be to solve, we can just pile blame upon Milford or Boyd or Macca or next week's flogging boy and then when they've shot through it'll all be sweet. It doesn't really bear with my experiences in life though.
You absolutely nailed the bolded part. There are many contributors in terms of personalities and factors to where we found ourselves in 2020, some date back to WB's time (but are not solely in anyway attributable to him, he just played some part), but many relate to the choice of the wrong coach to replace him.

Further big factors this year in my view were the injury toll, and to key players in key positions, the COVID break, what I perceive to be a lack of diligence in our training regime over that break (perhaps the only thing within our control), the change in the rules and the change in the draw.

Once things started to go awry, Captain Burn the Boats simply did not have a clue as to how to address and remedy the problem. That is one of the problems with an inexperienced coach and a stubborn coach.

If you want to go back further in time, as I have harped on about before, our succession planning absolutely sucks and has done for about 15 years. The Storm lose key players in key positions and seem to always have one or two or three potential competent replacements in the background. Slater - Drinkwater, Pappy, Hughes C Smith - B Smith, Grant
If the team shits the bed again this week, Kev surely is in some trouble.

Gamble, Piakura and Paix all available yet not used. His team selections have been horrible.

But tUrPiN