The Wayne Bennett Super thread!

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Re: Round 13 ISC - Magpies vs Seagulls

Wow, desperate much?
That is a general statement, not only meant at Waddell, but any other similar type of player recruited.
Fortunately, Macca has been solid and hasn't missed a game (knock on wood), so the theory is untested.
Regardless, I'm not continuing this topic and derail this thread further.

Keep telling yourself that...

I'm watching the game... Taylor is not making the mistake of wanting to be involved in everything, but is doing a very good job, both in attack and defense.

Magpies clearly not getting the rub of the green. A few decisions going against them this arvo. They deserved better, while at the same time, they did a few unforgivable mistakes, otherwise they might be level or up on Wynnum.

Desperate for bringing up what was said instead of what people thought were said? You brought up Reed still being in the team because he's a player Bennett would generally like (and said whomever said that was right) and I was merely pointing out something that was actually said instead of saying Waddell would definitely be in the team. What is it, mate? Do you want people to make things up or go back to check their facts? It could have been a general statement but it was on page 2 of the Travis Waddell signing thread.

I was talking about the first half, where he played 4th or 5th receiver the whole half. He was hardly involved at all whilst Phil Dennis was first receiver and play maker a lot of the time. The second half he actually got involved and didn't do too badly at all.
Re: Round 13 ISC - Magpies vs Seagulls

Fair call Porthoz, what I said was uncalled for with regards to Waddell and unsubstantiated in this instance, my apologies.

As for Reed I have to disagree, Bennett has had that many varying styles of centres during his career that he definitely doesn't favour one over the other.
To be fair, you didn't deserve to be put in the cross hairs mate, but thank you for being gracious.

It's not so much about the position, but more the type of player that Reed is. No matter how crap or well he plays, there can be no doubt about his effort in any game. He is also viewed as defensively solid (with some justice), which Bennett has always favoured.
At least, that is what I imply when I say that Reed is the type of player Bennett likes.
Fair call Porthoz, I was talking more in general terms, over Bennett's career his had that many varying styles of centres like the physically dominating Miles and Meninga to more agile, speed style of the likes of Peter Jackson and Steve Renouf, I would agree defence is an area Bennett likes, but I think it would be incorrect for anyone to suggest its the end all and be all that Bennett has ever looked for in a player(and I'm not for a moment suggesting you are implying that).
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Fair call Porthoz, I was talking more in general terms, over Bennett's career his had that many varying styles of centres like the physically dominating Miles and Meninga to more agile, speed style of the likes of Peter Jackson and Steve Renouf, I would agree defence is an area Bennett likes, but I think it would be incorrect for anyone to suggest its the end all and be all that Bennett has ever looked for in a player(and I'm not for a moment suggesting you are implying that).
That's true, but when the choice is between a defensively stronger and an offensively stronger one (Reed vs. Copley), I have no doubts Bennett will go with he former.

And to be fair, I have no issue with that. A team is built from defense first, and once that is working well, then unleash the attack.
Bennett's signings haven't halted the progress of our youngsters anywhere near as much as I thought.

That said, this is exactly what he did with Newcastle. They had basically no juniors come through under Bennett and it kinda shows right now. As the Knights were his last gig, I don't see why it's such a big deal people voiced similar concerns when he signed for us.

Not being concerned that WB would do a similar thing with us is like Taylor defending poorly at a lower level and then not being concerned about it at NRL level.

The thing is, and this isn't directed at you because you didn't do it, but the reason some people are being 'hindsight heroes' is because people weren't just saying what they were worried would happen; they were telling everyone that this is what would happen and if you don't believe that you are naive and an idiot. You couldn't argue against it because it was opinion being treated as fact.

I mean I don't really care anymore but that is possibly why some people are feeling this way
Wow, desperate much?
That is a general statement, not only meant at Waddell, but any other similar type of player recruited.
Fortunately, Macca has been solid and hasn't missed a game (knock on wood), so the theory is untested.

How is it untested? Waddell hasn't even been considered for a spot off the bench, in fact 2 players so far have played that role with no sign of Waddell, so how exactly has Maccas availability had any impact on your theory?
My take was he was happy with Reed and could easily become unhappy if Reed decided to have a big head or not bother going as hard as recently due to receiving kudos from WB and media backslaps. I think he is well pleased with Reed and Hodges was quite vocal in his praise of Reed, something I think would be unlikely in WBs presence if Hodges did not already know WBs mind on the subject.

Funny how two people can read different things between the lines hey !

Very strange indeed! I did get the feeling that WB is happy Reed's form, but it certainly sounded to me like WB didn't have a very high opinion of Jack when he came back.
Very strange indeed! I did get the feeling that WB is happy Reed's form, but it certainly sounded to me like WB didn't have a very high opinion of Jack when he came back.
Oh, I may have missed your point in your original post then. If you mean that when WB returned he was unimpressed with Reed and told him to pull up his socks and show a new attitude and improvements in health, lifestyle and fitness then I'd say that was likely. I just think he plays each person differently like saying how good Blair has been over the last four weeks and with others he doesn't overstate things. Whatever his style ,things are working and I liked hearing from Hodges how much we need to improve, no sign of complacency there.
How is it untested? Waddell hasn't even been considered for a spot off the bench, in fact 2 players so far have played that role with no sign of Waddell, so how exactly has Maccas availability had any impact on your theory?
Because it's one thing to use Kodi or Parcell in stints of the bench, and another to have them as the main starting hooker. Why do you think Wayne brought him in the first place?

Now speaking of facts, I never said WB wasn't good at developing players, but here is what I said from the start:

- I didn't want Blair, Boyd or Wadell because imo... we didn't need the last two, and the first wasn't more of a pillow than the prop we needed. I'm convinced Kennedy would have performed as well as Blair under Bennett, but we'll never know...
- I rated 4 players highly: Jordan Kahu (was laughed at), Ashley Taylor, Jayden Nikorima and Matt Parcell, and thought some of the above recruitment would stand in their way.

I am still 100% behind these opinions!

Fortunately, Waddell is not good enough to stand in anyone's way, but Boyd is, and I'm still very worried that his recruitment will cost us Jayden or Ashley. This is not a blight on Darius, even though I don't rate him as a top FB.

I will totally admit that I didn't see Bennett doing as well with the team as he has, and he deserves heaps of credit for that.
Maranta is another that deserves a lot of credit for surpassing limits I thought he never would, but I still maintain that I prefer Vidot to him.

Want to call me on anything of the above, go right ahead.

P.S. Before you go there, my beef with Bennett coming to the Broncos, was about how it happened, not about his coaching ability.
I'm convinced Kennedy would have performed as well as Blair under Bennett

I'm fine with the rest of your argument, but you can't say this.

A) He's currently banned for performance enhancing drugs
B) There's an extremely high chance he was on performance enhancing drugs at the Roosters (Hence the good form)
I'm pretty sure you weren't being called out Port. The people who were blowing up like it was the end of the world when Waddell was signed thinking he would be in the team above a junior instead of being injury cover as he is were the ones called out. I went through the last two pages of the waddell thread and although it wasn't explicitly stated this was implied by many (not the majority). Even Big Pete was slightly in on it. Many implied Waddell typified the week in week out no thrills player that Bennett loves.

This was proven incorrect. Reed's selection has been justified. Maranta's selection as well although Bennett has still given Vidot a chance. He has given juniors a shot at every practical opportunity. He's also shaken up the comfortable players.

Waddell's non selection is just the easiest of the prejudgements on Bennett to call out Because it is black and white with no opinion involved. He has not hindered anyone's development as he has not been selected. He is purely a depth player.
I'm fine with the rest of your argument, but you can't say this.

A) He's currently banned for performance enhancing drugs
B) There's an extremely high chance he was on performance enhancing drugs at the Roosters (Hence the good form)

And we know how players can be like once your off those same drugs, Rodney Howe was never the same.

Waddell I agree wasn't required. You weren't the only person to rate Kahu either and the concern's weren't purely over his ability, he has had a horrid run of injuries which was a legitimate concern, his been able to handle it well with hindsight but at the time it was a fair question to raise. Ashley Taylor, Jayden Nikorima and Matt Parcell, players of the future, very likely, ready at that very time or now for the week in and week out is currently open to debat.

What Bennett has shown is his willingness to give such players a taste of first grade when the opportunity presents itself which Boyd's inclusion hasn't impeded and you could argue against those who wanted to retain Barba and Hoffman that would have actually made it harder for them to do so. At present I'd much rather continue their development as it is then unnecessarily rush them into NRL and make unnecessary changes to the first grade side that is working so well as a unit mid season.

I think it's great that Taylor for example is playing in the Queensland Cup and I think he will become a better player for it, but I think people are getting ahead of themselves saying he needs to be there right here and right now, if your going to argue that you would like him in the side I think your case would be stronger in making the change in the off season, giving him time to work on the spine combination and then a slow, steady progression into the NRL instead of throwing him in when we are have way through the season and the pressure is ever increasing to keep performing.
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Even Big Pete was slightly in on it.


Wait a minute, I didn't even post in the Waddell thread! :laugh:
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I'm fine with the rest of your argument, but you can't say this.

A) He's currently banned for performance enhancing drugs
B) There's an extremely high chance he was on performance enhancing drugs at the Roosters (Hence the good form)
OK, you might be right about this I guess. :laugh:

That's a fair enough argument, although this wasn't known at the time...and still doesn't make Blair the prop we needed.
OK, you might be right about this I guess. :laugh:

That's a fair enough argument, although this wasn't known at the time...and still doesn't make Blair the prop we needed.

Blair was a mixed signing for me and still is and to be frank it wasn't that long ago I was really doubting why Bennett signed him, the last few weeks have at least been somewhat encouraging(though that miss on DCE pissed me off lol) so I'm reserving judgement for now his worth.

As for Anderson that could have been the case, but tbh if we kept him we wouldn't have had him available anyway, seems rather pointless.
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Wait a minute, I didn't even post in the Waddell thread! :laugh:

I was wondering how long it would take for a arrested development reference to enter this discussion. :laugh:

Wait a minute, I didn't even post in the Waddell thread! :laugh:

That Giff works perfectly with your avatar.

The posts in question:
Re: 2015 NRL Squads

[COLOR=#333333 !important]
Originally Posted by Big Pete
Waddell is merely a symbol...

EDIT: Then again, I can totally see Waddell being the token nuffy who gets scape-goated every performance whether he's all that responsible or not.

This next part is by Ari Gold

These two points go hand in hand. Waddell is a symbol of Bennett's preference for certain players that many people disagree with. If he constantly comes off the bench and does little in the way of impacting a game (either positively or negatively) then he's going to be a symbol for everything that the WB detractors hate.​
:laugh: I was just caught off guard by being called out like that. 'Even Big Pete'...

I remember that post now.

I basically threw Waddell in the 14 as a placeholder.

It said more about my knowledge of the team than it did about my perception of Bennett's selection policy. I remember I made that post as safe as I could but in certain cases (eg. Dale Copley at 3) my own personal preferences shone through.

Up until the CM broke the story about Kodi Nikorima, I thought Matt Parcell would be on the bench.
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