Titans slide continues

I'm as old as you are buddy. I'm thinking more the young'uns who might get upset at the suggestion of such a violent end to somebody. Despite the fact they probably beat up their teachers on a regular basis.
Yeah I know. I'm feeling extra old this week as I consolidate my position in my thirties...
I'm just proud you two can actually switch on a computer! No easy task for most in your age group.. heh.
It's refreshing to have someone else put shit on Meat for being in his 30's, thanks mick! icon_thumbs_u
Haven't you got a lung to cancerise Mick? :P
When Princey don't fire, the Titans don't fire. Too many hot and cold players - prime example Mark Minichello, he has hands like feet.

Be good to see them in the 8 to get hte Qld contingent strong, but can't see it happening until they win on the road.
Meat77 said:
Yeah thanks mick...(where's the smilie with the massive middle finger eusa_think )

Sheesh... you even know about smilies. That's AWESOME! icon_thumbs_u

Coxy said:
mrslong said:
Paul Gallen is such a dirty rotten lowlife. Such a whinger. Everytime he got tackled he was nagging at the ref, and whenever he made a tackle he was being thuggish. Can't stand the bloke. At least Greg Bird is just a tough nut, and plays hard, but doesn't try and nag the ref like the baby Gallen.

Gallen is one of those blokes that if the Bob Fulton proverbial cement truck ran over him, you'd jump on top of his lifeless body just to be sure he was gone.

Note: for those too young to remember, Bob Fulton once suggested Bill Harrigan would be a better referee if he were run over by a cement truck. Not meant seriously, and nor is my comment above. Just that the game would be more enjoyable and better off if Gallen buggered off to England or Union.
[icon_lol1. GOLD. Yep, he should bugger off to England instead of Crocker. [icon_pray.