Titans Vs. Broncos - Tickets thread

Seems that way! Ticketek site is now letting you buy 8 tickets per code.
Coxy said:
Seems that way! Ticketek site is now letting you buy 8 tickets per code.

That's FREAKING BULLCRAP. I had to buy two sets of twos using two codes. FMD. IIIIDIOTS.

Penny, lemme know if you want it.
Yes, it said that at 9.05 this morning, and then magically wasn't sold out again at about 10am. Ridiculous.

Funny if we get an email saying we didn't buy tickets ROFL.

NRL Finals Fail.
Oh, but it's not the NRL or Titans' fault. It's Ticketek.

Yes, OK, and who hired them?
No, it was your mum...she told me last night after she cleaned herself up :P LOLZ
What are my chance of buying tickets today ?? I am guessing zero..

Yep Zero I have to wait until tomorrow to get them bloody Dumb ass I am.
There's a NRL.com member presale tonight starting from 9pm, what's the go with presales? Will it most likely be crappy seats?
Coxy said:
Haha, yeah. It's nothing to do with them...of course. They didn't have ANY say in reducing the number of tickets per member to 2.

Bet the Titans members still got to purchase 4 per membership.

Oh and on the home finals in week 2 thing, I am pretty sure the terminology is "Home Cities." Now whether the NRL would consider Lang Park to be part of Titans home city would certainly prove for an interesting arguemnet should the Titans wish to contest it.
Titans will have to play at Lang Park if they beat us this weekend. There was a CM article about this in the last couple of weeks.
I think I'll keep tally this time of how many Titans fans say "we havent been in the comp as long as you" when I bring up the fact we've won 6 Premierships to their 0. It's my mission to prove that they really do have the dumbest fans in the game!!!