Three years ago, Tevita Pangai Jr knocked back $900k a season to quit the Broncos, and in doing so sacrificed $300k:
"I never met with the Tigers, that’s the truth. It‘s been a frustrating week with all the rumours going on. I just tried to play my best game on the weekend (against the Roosters) — I wanted to show the club and the fans that I’m committed to staying here at the Broncos."
“There were rumours going around at the start of the year about my future, which made clubs contact my manager. I’m not a free agent until November so right now it’s not in my interest to be negotiating with other clubs anyway."
“I’m also on probation so I have to stay out of trouble to keep my contract at the Broncos and stay in Brisbane."
“Brisbane gave me a second chance after my mishap last year, so how would it look if I walked out on them to join another club? I’m committed to the Broncos and even if other clubs are interested, it’s my preference to stay here.”
“I’m doing my best to stay out of the headlines. I have a family to think of. I am about to get married, my partner is 13 weeks pregnant so I have no plans on leaving Brisbane. I also have my younger brother Jermaine here, he has one more year of high school and I am looking after him. I promised my parents when he moved up here that I would care for him, so I have a duty to look after his welfare.”
“I’ve spoken to ‘Kevvie’ and he spoke to me about trying to get the best out of me. We are working out ways for me to deliver my best week in, week out and Kevvie is holding me accountable for that. What I did last year was stupid and I’ve worked hard this year to become a leader in the club.
“I have been offered double to leave the club before and I stayed loyal, so it goes to show my passion for the Broncos. We’ve had some tough years but I can honestly see the club turning around under Kevvie and I want to be a part of it.”