RANT Trash the Dolphins



NRL Player
May 1, 2016
After the recent couple of signings and other shady signing attempts, I thought this might a good thread to share in the delight of seeing Dolphins get smashed week in and week out. That and other general shade for the Dolphins.


NRL Player
May 1, 2016


International Rep
Jun 5, 2015
Yeah sorry guys, go dolphins.

I live in hope they are a catalyst for my first team the broncos to pull their finger out and start doing things a bit differently. DD and Ikin have been doing well imo, but there’s still a few issues with the broncos as a whole that need to be ironed out. i wont bring them up in this thread unless baited but yeah, I think in the long run the dolphins will be a good thing for us. Competition should keep us on our toes. I honestly hope they become a powerhouse, I’m cheering for them.


NRL Player
Dec 28, 2015
For me, it's been hard to jump on the; **** the "The" train.

They are/were a club with a proud history, genuine interest in genuine footballers & constantly doing all they can to benefit the club, players & game.

Now though...
I'm 100% on board.

Thieving, cross town, cross eyed, disloyal, washed up wannabe shit ***** with no place to call home.

Dullphins (to quote @Broncosgirl) can get fucked.
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
So they are the Redcliffe Dolphins now?



International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
I like to think as the Farnworth & Flegler signings as a massive overpaid tantrum.

First they tried to poach an under-contract skidmark of a kid by offering dumb money - and even after enticing the manager with a juicy payday, they still fucked off elsewhere.

Then they tried to get another contracted player off us by offering double the money. And failed.

And then they tried to sign our ex upcoming star fullback... and were completely blocked by the Warriors (who, let's face it, are one of the few teams I don't mind the Broncos working with for mutual benefit).

So after those failed attempts, and realising the the Broncos players they did get were duds, they go absolutely batshit by offering elite money to players that, yes we wanted to retain, but really haven't proven anything. I almost feel like the Flegler one is so inflated that the Broncos and Flegler himself are probably laughing at their desperation to get a recruitment "win" over us. When, in the light of day, it actually fixes one of our salary cap struggles as well as rewards Flegler, who has been criminally targeted by the NRL refs and judiciary.

The funniest part is sure, the Dolphins can front-end contracts to ease the pressure of 2024's player wages, but where to from there? These deals are over-inflated 3-4 year deals, are they seriously thinking that all of a sudden from 2025 they'll be able to attract players with unders in order to compensate? Or do they think that their development program is going to just pop out gun rookies who are happy to stay for peanuts while the NSW vultures are circling?

By the time shit hits the fan, Bennett will have handed the mantel on. And while I'm not one who has ever bought in to the Bennett curse, I for one am going to enjoy watching the inevitable implosion, while the NRL scramble to make the Plastics relevant.


Deep in the Heart of Queensland
Nov 9, 2022
For me, it's been hard to jump on the; **** the "The" train.

They are/were a club with a proud history, genuine interest in genuine footballers & constantly doing all they can to benefit the club, players & game.

Now though...
I'm 100% on board.

Thieving, cross town, cross eyed, disloyal, washed up wannabe shit ***** with no place to call home.

Dullphins (to quote @Broncosgirl) can get fucked.
Really? I said that? 😆 lmao. I knew I bought that bottle of rum one day too early lols.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
I like to think as the Farnworth & Flegler signings as a massive overpaid tantrum.

First they tried to poach an under-contract skidmark of a kid by offering dumb money - and even after enticing the manager with a juicy payday, they still fucked off elsewhere.

Then they tried to get another contracted player off us by offering double the money. And failed.

And then they tried to sign our ex upcoming star fullback... and were completely blocked by the Warriors (who, let's face it, are one of the few teams I don't mind the Broncos working with for mutual benefit).

So after those failed attempts, and realising the the Broncos players they did get were duds, they go absolutely batshit by offering elite money to players that, yes we wanted to retain, but really haven't proven anything. I almost feel like the Flegler one is so inflated that the Broncos and Flegler himself are probably laughing at their desperation to get a recruitment "win" over us. When, in the light of day, it actually fixes one of our salary cap struggles as well as rewards Flegler, who has been criminally targeted by the NRL refs and judiciary.

The funniest part is sure, the Dolphins can front-end contracts to ease the pressure of 2024's player wages, but where to from there? These deals are over-inflated 3-4 year deals, are they seriously thinking that all of a sudden from 2025 they'll be able to attract players with unders in order to compensate? Or do they think that their development program is going to just pop out gun rookies who are happy to stay for peanuts while the NSW vultures are circling?

By the time shit hits the fan, Bennett will have handed the mantel on. And while I'm not one who has ever bought in to the Bennett curse, I for one am going to enjoy watching the inevitable implosion, while the NRL scramble to make the Plastics relevant.
There's some good stuff in there Morks.........

you know
in amongst the other stuff...

The Office Reaction GIF


NRL Player
Jul 3, 2021
I'd love nothing more than the dolphins to be a complete failure and be a spoon battling team while the Broncos juniors like Patty, Walsh, Mozer, Mam, Haas and the likes are contending for premierships.

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