Wally Lewis Discussion

If you ever manage to track down copies of King Wally and Wally and the Broncos(it's base d before his sacking as captain, more about the birth of the Broncos) I recommend you pick them up, great reads. The only thing is they are old books so you may have to look on ebay or markets/garage sales.
Mate, your chosen BHQ name is another way of saying anus, so I shouldn’t be surprised when you speak shit should I? My bad.
wow that is clever, give me something worth responding to and then I may put some effort into the response Lol
By far Lewis is the best player I have seen play.

Agreed.....but, (and no doubt I'll be howled down) Cam Smith has an equal footy brain
and in different ways, has been as brilliant an individual and did as much to single-handedly win a game for QLD as Wally did.

But yeah....there's still only one emperor of Lang park and Wally Lewis will forever be the greatest in my mind.
**** me, and I thought you couldn’t be any more irrelevant on this forum. Congratulations, you’ve just outdone yourself.

Oh and BTW, Langer was my favourite player, too. Doesn’t mean he was better than the King.
It's kind of funny big D, I can't see any of TheGreatCornholio's posts, he's blocked me!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣

Seeing as he cannot see my posts it's probably okay to say he's a fucking flat headed, swivel eyed, cloth eared fucking dipshit !!! I mean it's not like I'm abusing him is it ? Not if he never sees it, right?
It occurs to me now that if Wally played in today's NRL he'd probably be a hooker.
Does Wally still smoke? I know he was a smoker when he coached QLD.
Agreed.....but, (and no doubt I'll be howled down) Cam Smith has an equal footy brain
and in different ways, has been as brilliant an individual and did as much to single-handedly win a game for QLD as Wally did.

But yeah....there's still only one emperor of Lang park and Wally Lewis will forever be the greatest in my mind.
Cam Smith is at least comparable to Wally. He has achieved more it's not a silly suggestion at all. I still go with Wally.
I’m too young to have ever seen Wally play and so I’ve just known him as the boring old league media personality who should’ve given up on his hair and moustache 40 years ago.
No player in my lifetime, and I'm over 100, has come remotely close to having Wally's presence. I could name dozens of more skilled players, but none who carried themselves like Lewis. Whether you were playing QLD, Australia, the Broncos, Valleys or even the Gold Coast, you weren't playing that team, you were playing Wally Lewis's team.

My best attempt at a comparison would be to call him the Shane Warne of Rugby League. Every time he had the ball in his hand you felt like something was about to happen. Every time he walked onto a field all eyes were on him.

You wouldn't understand from watching highlights clips. It was about the drama.
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No player in my lifetime, and I'm over 100, has come remotely close to having Wally's presence. I could name dozens of more skilled players, but none who carried themselves like Lewis. Whether you were playing QLD, Australia, the Broncos, Valleys or even the Gold Coast, you weren't playing that team, you were playing Wally Lewis's team.

My best attempt at a comparison would be to call him the Shane Warne of Rugby League. Every time he had the ball in his hand you felt like something was about to happen. Every time he walked onto a field all eyes were on him.

You wouldn't understand from watching highlights clips. It was about the drama.
Yes, you nailed that, great analogy.
The thing about Wally that isn't mentioned much was he had an arua of confidence and it intimidated opposition players. They were often mesmerised by him, and his try where he got passed Daley, Clyde and Jack in that origin game by completely bamboozling them sums that up. He also played in an era where forward would bash players into submission with whatever it took, and he was able to give it back.
His ability to intimidate is best seen in his stoush with Geyer in 1991. Geyer later said he was absolutely sh_tting his pants even though he towered over him. It has to be remembered too, that he played in an Era where NSW could pick two sides essentially to QLDs one but he is pivotal in taking on the underdog tag and rising above it.