Wally Lewis Discussion

The thing about Wally that isn't mentioned much was he had an arua of confidence and it intimidated opposition players. They were often mesmerised by him, and his try where he got passed Daley, Clyde and Jack in that origin game by completely bamboozling them sums that up. He also played in an era where forward would bash players into submission with whatever it took, and he was able to give it back.
His ability to intimidate is best seen in his stoush with Geyer in 1991. Geyer later said he was absolutely sh_tting his pants even though he towered over him. It has to be remembered too, that he played in an Era where NSW could pick two sides essentially to QLDs one but he is pivotal in taking on the underdog tag and rising above it.
Agreed. Queensland needed someone to step up from Beetson initial aura he gave Queensland at the start of the series, Lewis provided that. Queensland were finally in a position to match NSW with players that should have been playing for Queensland ages ago but Lewis provided that aura of self belief, determination and hatred against NSW that Queensland thrived on. Even Wayne Pearce said that Wally was always the Qld player they had to shutdown and only one match that he played in he didn't have to worry about that because Wally was injured.
I've heard it said that 'great players change the game & the game is changed because of great players'. I have no doubt that SOO only exists today due to the foresight of Ron McAuliffe who could see that Wally was destined to be a generational player & be fucked if he was going to ever let him put on a blues jersey.
Thanks Ron, you were right
Funny thing is we could have easily seen Wally as a Rugby Union great as well if things panned out differently for him.
I grabbed myself a copy of Wally's new book and i recommend it, not just a rehash of previous books.
Speaking of books, I had an opportunity to pick up a signed copy of Cameron Smith's new book and I kid you not, the signature was not even real, it was a copy. What an absolute joke!
Sounds like you're almost as bad at getting Cam Smith's signature as Paul White is.
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Speaking of books, I had an opportunity to pick up a signed copy of Cameron Smith's new book and I kid you not, the signature was not even real, it was a copy. What an absolute joke!
Why are you surprised?

Smith got a stamp of his signature made about 15 years ago because it got too time-consuming and RSI inducing signing all those slightly modified contracts.
Yeah at least when I got Petero's and Webcke's book the signatures were real because they were in person signing them!