Wally, The Only Bronco...

LOL, why the **** would johns take ecstasy before a game? did EAS have techno music pumping throughout the game or something?
How many times in his career was he tested exactly?Next to none.They were all in on it and of course they knew the bloke was using.Ok so you say another conspiracy story.Face facts.Drug cheat and bought the game into disrepute and gets rewarded by a top job representing league,and named as the best in the past 100yrs.FFS

He should have never been given it for reasons known to all.

Wally Lewis was tested every week when he played for Valleys.To the extent he got so sick of it he peed in a jar and left it there and went home.

Please can anyone explain why Johns was not tested even when Tallis blew the whistle when they were on tour.

What is wrong with these league head guys down south?Gees to boo Mal.To say it was such a suprise?Shock horror!A Qlder to get such an award and the Maroons coach at that.

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