NEWS Walters really happy with this week's preparation

Coach Kevvie Walters shakes it off:

“There’s been no mixed messaging from me personally. Matt Lodge has been one of those players that’s been looking at other clubs for some time. It was a matter of when Matt found the right opportunity to exit the club. That has been close at different times throughout the season. The timing was unfortunate."

“My job here is to coach the side. I’m fortunate now to be able to coach the side and give my 100 per cent capacity to the team. We’ve got great staff here now assisting with the management of the roster. It’s been taken off me which is great. There may be some other changes around the roster but that won’t have anything to do with me personally. My job is to coach this team and that’s what I’ll be doing over the next nine weeks.”

“When I was first employed by the club my job was to come in and put my stamp on the way I see the Broncos running and functioning. That takes time to deliver. We’re still not there yet. There has been some change to the playing roster and I believe there will be more change before we get to next season. Hopefully I can focus on what I do. I’m paid to be the coach here at the Broncos."



“All the other stuff around the team can be handled by other staff that aren’t directly involved in the hands-on coaching of the side."

“We’ve powered through the week – I’m really happy with the preparation we’ve got into the guys since last Sunday. There’s been a gradual progression throughout the week of getting our game right. We’ve put a lot of work in."

“Our defence has got to be much better, that’s something we continue to work on. We’ve come up against some really classy opposition in the last month and the NRL is difficult. There is a challenge for us against this Cronulla side that can score some points. It’s a great opportunity for guys coming back into the side. I’m looking forward to seeing us put in a strong defensive performance.”

what the **** did you want him to say?

something like: "we,ve had a shit preparation this week, the team couldn't be fucked working hard ... definite 50 point loss coming up"

do you know what the media, Broncos fans or his employers would do to him then
At least we could finally be happy that he is starting to be honest 🤣
Kev just confirm he’s lost roster management input? Did he just say he’s coach for the next 9 weeks?

pretty sure you're reading way too much into those comments

maybe you're just reading what you want to read from those comments
I’m not sure what it is exactly that you think I want but Kev couldn’t have been much clearer about no longer managing the roster. Doesn’t take a complex conspiracy theory to reach that conclusion.

Of course, everything Kev says is either wrong, a lie, or subject to swift and immediate change so you may very well be right that what he’s said is completely meaningless but it is what he said.

The 9 weeks thing probably doesn’t mean much though.
“My job here is to coach the side. I’m fortunate now to be able to coach the side and give my 100 per cent capacity to the team. We’ve got great staff here now assisting with the management of the roster. It’s been taken off me which is great. There may be some other changes around the roster but that won’t have anything to do with me personally. My job is to coach this team and that’s what I’ll be doing over the next nine weeks.”
Oh and I thought he is already giving 100% capacity, it seems he does give SFA, and wasnt he the coach when the season started, but he says he's gonna be doing it (coach the team) over the 9 weeks starting this week. No wonder we are getting flogged week after week. STFU and do ur job or just..... QUIT!
Oh and I thought he is already giving 100% capacity, it seems he does give SFA, and wasnt he the coach when the season started, but he says he's gonna be doing it (coach the team) over the 9 weeks starting this week. No wonder we are getting flogged week after week. STFU and do ur job or just..... QUIT!

Hmmm, Kevvie sounds pissed off to me, almost as if he's gone off jam donuts. Probably just indigestion. So let's see what Kevvie brings to the table now that he's on a diet.
Hmmm, Kevvie sounds pissed off to me, almost as if he's gone off jam donuts. Probably just indigestion. So let's see what Kevvie brings to the table now that he's on a diet.
**** I love chocolate jam filled donuts from Wendy’s!
Oh and I thought he is already giving 100% capacity, it seems he does give SFA, and wasnt he the coach when the season started, but he says he's gonna be doing it (coach the team) over the 9 weeks starting this week. No wonder we are getting flogged week after week. STFU and do ur job or just..... QUIT!
I think what all this means is that nobody was doing anything but him before DD because none of those blokes could be bothered ad they were just care taking and not prepared to put their necks out.

So Kev was alone and overburdened. DD and now Ikin are here, Kev and them likely discussed the issues and it was decided Kev needed to just focus on training these halfwits, because with Kev unable to focus on them they can't be professional.

I have faith in this option to be honest especially in a team struggling with form, Kev is no longer the bad guy in regards to player retention, he can train them and develop relationships that he doesn't have to then disrupt by bringing them into the office and telling them their not wanted. Ikin can do that after him and Kev talk it out.

I would still bet that Kev is involved in player discussions as he will need guys that he is interested in coaching. Ikin has a brain, everyone he has ever mentioned being worth chasing has been talked about on here and everyone he said should be gone has also been discussed. Looking forward to the outcomes of all that is happening.
To be fair, Kev has 5 extra games this season than Seibs. I think he probably needs to win at least 5. Though I would like to think that won’t be an issue.
To be fair, Kev has 5 extra games this season than Seibs. I think he probably needs to win at least 5. Though I would like to think that won’t be an issue.
Except he's already got more wins in 4 less games... also Pies only managed 1 fucking win under Vlando ball.

It's also not 5 extra, because we play 24 games