MELTDOWN Wayne Bennett - Moves to Souths

Should Wayne Bennett's Contract be Extended?

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I'm more hypothesising that Bennett was *somewhat* in his rights to be talking to Souths, seeing as so much was being done behind the scenes to facilitate an immediate move. He was never going to step down, that was clear from Day 1, but there was always going to be the option to sack him, and I'm sure that this is what he always expected. However, that all changed when they asked him whether he was going to stay, and he said yes.

Maybe it was the Broncos' final attempt to get him to walk. Maybe they always had planned to fire him if he refused to do so. So yeah, of course they'd be pissed by Wayne calling the press conference. But it is also possible they indeed planned to keep him on, and it was only when News Ltd came over the top that the decision was made to cut him.

The meeting was just the Broncos giving Wayne one last chance to leave amicably. He dug his heels in and said he was staying. So they played their card and sacked him for breaching his contract. In my opinion, they wouldn't have released that information if he decided to leave without a fight.
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Pretty stock standard replies from Seibold at the press conference but he was articulate and answered all questions. He rightly said he was drawing a line in the sand and wouldn't go back over the events of the past few months.
I noticed he addressed most journos by their first names and I thought the whole atmosphere in the room seemed quite different to the combative air of Wayne Bennett press conferences.
I thought it was a very positive start from Seibold.
Pretty stock standard replies from Seibold at the press conference but he was articulate and answered all questions. He rightly said he was drawing a line in the sand and wouldn't go back over the events of the past few months.
I noticed he addressed most journos by their first names and I thought the whole atmosphere in the room seemed quite different to the combative air of Wayne Bennett press conferences.
I thought it was a very positive start from Seibold.
Let’s see how he treats them after 30 years of those blokes shitting on everything he does
It's a good thing for the future, but I wonder the Broncos blinked first and sold out.

Hypothetical here, and I'm sure I'll get painted as a Bennett apologist but when has that stopped me from throwing a theory on the table.

As late as Friday, the Broncos were on board with Bennett being our coach for 2019 (if they genuinely wanted the swap done ASAP, they had the grounds to sack him far earlier). Leading up to that point, with the negotiations for a swap going on in the background, you can understand why Bennett would have thought his days were numbered and had been working with Souths. But nothing was ever official, and when the Broncos once again asked Bennett on Friday morning what his choice was, Bennett was in his rights to decide to stay, as not only did he promise the players he'd be here, but had a contract to do so.

So what changed? I wonder if the tense words between White & Bennett was about the press conference. Bennett wanted to stick it to the media, but White knew that it would only make things worse for the Broncos vs Media relationship. And, of course, it did. The media went harder than ever against Bennett. So the Broncos (well, News Limited, as is being reported) blinked.

Another season of constant media bashing would be extremely difficult to overcome. The team may have galvanised under Bennett, but with so many young players, not used to the constant pressure and attention, it would have been hard to keep their minds on the job. So the Broncos relented. They gave the media what they wanted, which was a headline of The Brisbane Broncos Sack Wayne Bennett.

What changed was the evidence that he had been actively working with Souths to try and take our best players, plan there pre-season and obviously give them enough indication that he would be there Monday that they kicked their current coach out of his office.

Bennett tried to play everyone off for suckers and got caught out big time, leading to him getting the boot and losing all my respect (not that he would give a **** about that).
Haven't really liked what I have seen from Seibold over the past few weeks. Swearing at cameramen just doing their jobs and what not.

From what I have seen he handles pressure and scrutiny pretty badly.

Let's face it. He had a dream year at Souths, but it's ONE year. Could have been a fluke.

We will see how it unfolds ...
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Haven't really liked what I have seen from Seibold over the past few weeks. Swearing at cameramen just doing their jobs and what not.

From what I have seen he handles pressure pretty badly.
I'm wondering against which standard you are measuring that observation?
Haven't really liked what I have seen from Seibold over the past few weeks. Swearing at cameramen just doing their jobs and what not.

From what I have seen he handles pressure and scrutiny pretty badly.

Let's face it. He had a dream year at Souths, but it's ONE year. Could have been a fluke.

We will see how it unfolds ...

Who wouldn’t swear at the media when they are doing shit uninvited and asking for interviews when your busy
Coaches don’t have to bow to them at the sight of a camera every time. They have to respect their job and go through the correct process to get comments
Who wouldn’t swear at the media when they are doing shit uninvited and asking for interviews when your busy
Coaches don’t have to bow to them at the sight of a camera every time. They have to respect their job and go through the correct process to get comments

Apparently it is only ok for Bennett to be an arsehole to the media. It's the 'No Homers' rule.
Haven't really liked what I have seen from Seibold over the past few weeks. Swearing at cameramen just doing their jobs and what not.

From what I have seen he handles pressure and scrutiny pretty badly.

Let's face it. He had a dream year at Souths, but it's ONE year. Could have been a fluke.

We will see how it unfolds ...

I guess he could have resorted to hiding out in the back seat of a car, or disappearing into a toilet to avoid the scrutiny, like the real pros do.
Pretty stock standard replies from Seibold at the press conference but he was articulate and answered all questions. He rightly said he was drawing a line in the sand and wouldn't go back over the events of the past few months.
I noticed he addressed most journos by their first names and I thought the whole atmosphere in the room seemed quite different to the combative air of Wayne Bennett press conferences.
I thought it was a very positive start from Seibold.

I just wanted to say "Amen" to this comment. The whole "media is the enemy" act was too old 10 years ago. By now it was just absurd. It's unfortunate how things ended but he brought it upon himself. I'm really looking forward to the new era but I fear it will take 2 or 3 years to clear out the players signed for too long on too much money. i.e. Darius, Bird and lets see how Gillett goes when he comes back...... for the next 4 years. Milford hasn't justified his salary either.
What changed was the evidence that he had been actively working with Souths to try and take our best players, plan there pre-season and obviously give them enough indication that he would be there Monday that they kicked their current coach out of his office.

Bennett tried to play everyone off for suckers and got caught out big time, leading to him getting the boot and losing all my respect (not that he would give a **** about that).

Where's it been said that he tried poaching our players?