We're Not Chickens, Says Ennis.

Aeetee said:
Like no player in their right mind would come back from a knee reco after only 7 months.

Players do strange stuff, classic example Ben Hannant nearly got KTFO a few weeks back, 2 mins after it happened he looked and played fine, but I bet he felt it after the game and the following day.

Hannant was dazed and is a tough guy, there is no comparison here. Ennis went from wailing in agony to running, passing tackling without a care in the world within 30 seconds.
Where do you live ?? I'll come to your house do the chicken wing to you and I'll record your screams and put them on the Forum... You have no idea. I am sure your a non Ennis fan so you see an oppurtunity to sink the boot in and your really laying into him.
So Ennis isn't a tough guy then [icon_shru

And I think Hannant was a little more than dazed.

Look I think there was nothing in the tackle until the tackler drove the point of his shoulder into Ennis' shoulder blade area and then when on the ground slightly twisted his wrist up.
I like Ennis and am a big fan of his abilities. However, I really think he has milked this. I have seen the incident a lot of times now and it looks more damaging for him and less for Blair each time. Blair does not reef the arm up like the other examples all he does is pull him down and hold him down (by the arm which is what he could get a hold of), IMO Ennis clearly went from excruciating pain to 100% fine in a matter of seconds and no player who has had shoulder problems before would go from a tackle "where they feel their shoulder was going to dislocate" to running around and playing without a problem straight away, they would seek extended assistance and probably go off to get things looked at. I have seen no evidence so far (bar his word) that says he hasn't dogged it. I now don't take any footballers word anymore as none of them admit to diving even when they clearly do, which is just the same as soccer no one admits to cheating so we will never know for sure one way or the other.
Just because he can pass the ball doesn't mean it wasn't hurting.

What was he supposed to do? Sit on the ground and cry for another 5 minutes?
Beads6 said:
Where do you live ?? I'll come to your house do the chicken wing to you and I'll record your screams and put them on the Forum... You have no idea.

Can I watch.
Kaz said:
His 'wink" was his eye closed due to the bloody pain.

Yes all that pain which saw him get up and continue playing. He said he thought his shoulder was going to be dislocated, no player in their right mind (especially one with a history of shoulder problems) would play on in a situation when they think their shoulder has just been nearly dislocated. He was fine and won his team a penalty IMO.

Do you remember that Ennis actually had shoulder surgery last year?? There's a bit of a shoulder problem in the past there.

I remember watching the incident and the first time I saw it I cringed. It looked like it bloody well hurt. The arm looked like it was way super-extended. Either way, it highlighted a terribly dirty tactic that exists in our game and hopefully is enough to rub it out.

I am all for having Bellamy as our next coach, but if he brings these tactics to Red Hill then I'll be happy to send him straight back to Mexico.
I really don't think Ennis has a strong pain threshold tbh.I do think it was a lot of fear and he was hurt.Wink meant nothing.Pain was on his face.
If you saw the other two games and the guys they did this to ,well they to got up and abused a lot but played on.Got the message across anyhow.
Been interesting had it been much closer to see if Storm pulled out the full tackle eusa_think

Why would Bellamy drop any dirty tactics just cos he is with us.He doesn't need to use them with the champions he has but he does.He is a dirty coach and he lies to top it off. [icon_thumbs_do
Jebadude said:
I am all for having Bellamy as our next coach, but if he brings these tactics to Red Hill then I'll be happy to send him straight back to Mexico.

Or we could all storm the training field & do the same tackles on him.
To be able to pass and tackle and do all those things pretty much staight after the incident is what leads me to believe that he was milking it a bit. I've had stingers and all that kind of thing and it hurts like ****, to the point of not being able to lift it at all. Ennis has had a history of shoulder problems but I think he did milk it a bit. One word against hte other really.
Putting aside what we all believe regarding milking, after reading McCallum's comments i'm a bit worried that a likely contrary conduct charge for Ennis will overshadow yet another uneccessary and dangerous wrestling technique and, as a result of Ennis being cited, the very real possibility that the offender may recieve a very light grading or not be cited at all.
Major JW Hochstetter said:
Putting aside what we all believe regarding milking, after reading McCallum's comments i'm a bit worried that a likely contrary conduct charge for Ennis will overshadow yet another uneccessary and dangerous wrestling technique and, as a result of Ennis being cited, the very real possibility that the offender may recieve a very light grading or not be cited at all.

Don't think Blair should be cited, I do think that the particular technique in question needs to be rubbed out but if this was a "chicken wing" it was very mild to say the least (pardon the pun). Ennis even if cited will get off I assume because all we can take is his word, I think the evidence suggests he dogged it but thats my opinion and only he knows for sure one way or the other.
Major JW Hochstetter said:
Putting aside what we all believe regarding milking, after reading McCallum's comments i'm a bit worried that a likely contrary conduct charge for Ennis will overshadow yet another uneccessary and dangerous wrestling technique and, as a result of Ennis being cited, the very real possibility that the offender may recieve a very light grading or not be cited at all.

It doesn't look like Ennis will be charged at all;

NRL officials are understood to be satisfied that Ennis was not trying to milk a penalty and want to discourage the chicken-wing tackle for fear that a player's shoulder will be dislocated.

http://www.leaguehq.com.au/news/news/do ... tml?page=2
His wink wasn't a "wink of pain" if you saw the video evidence he winked a couple of times at his team mates letting them know he was OK. [icon_thumbs_do

Poor form, but I suppose he is one of the blew Broncos, no self respecting QLD would do it [icon_shady
Ennis has stayed down in the past several times, usually after late shots when kicking.
Watching that tackle over and over - Ennis had his hand on the ground, Blair just had to fall on him.

So why did Blair then lift Ennis's arm up and pull it back and put all his weight on his shoulder?

Hmmm ....
he will get off easy.

i think Ennis is a great player but he does need to get that out of his game before he starts to get that label that no player wants.