Serious question and not meant to flame but just interested in what makes you say Bird is a gun. I haven't seen that much of him to be honest as I didnt watch many Sharks games when he was there as they bored the shit out of me.
What I've seen of him, I probably wouldn't describe him as a gun. He's tough and aggressive, which is great, but he has never really struck me as a player that will blow a team away with skill and speed, or control a game like the elites.
Id probably describe him as a tough, solid footballer with good instincts. That is why I don't think he'll be that effective in the halves as I don't think he is creative enough. I don't think he is big enough for the forwards but does have the aggression. So maybe the centres is where it's at for him but he doesn't look to be that evasive or have a great deal of speed. I'm just not sure where he fits in at the moment.
I don't know, I'm probably wrong about him and I hope I am, but it appears to be a lot of money to be spending on someone that doesn't really have a defined role. Just my gut feeling that I've had when we signed him.
Have to say that I'm pretty dissapointed that he has let himself go the way he has. If Thurston or Smith or any other myriad of players had off season surgery, I don't think they would blow out like he has, especially coming to a new club on big dollars where you think he would want to put his best foot forward.
Probably seems like Im putting the boot into him a little but just curious as to what others think that have watched more of him than me.