What would have been awesome to see...

Scotty said:
I believe it was game 2, 2008 when Tate had his best ever performance in a rep jersey. One of the best defensive displays from a center I have ever seen, he was so fired up it was scary! You could say Tate>Hodges in origin, despite Tates occasional poor performances. Hodges has shown occasional brilliance but nothing consistent.
he made something like 30 tackles that match, and pretty much every one of them hurt the guy he hit. easily one of the best centre performances ive seen in any match, not just origin.

say what you will about Tate at club level, but he has nearly always given his 100% and played out of his skin at origin level.

OXY-351 said:
Professor47 said:
that 06 game 3 try was SO critical... in context arguably the most important try of the last four years...

I reckon Lockyers try in that game was more important. Tate's try means nothing if Lockyer doesn't score. Vice versa I guess, but Lockyers try was the one that actually gave QLD the lead, and ultimately the game and series, and stopping NSW from winning 4 series in a row themselves.
i agree with professor47 - Tates try was the one that broke NSW. we had been getting on top of them for the last like 10-15 minutes but with nothing to show for it. Tates try is what got the ball rolling for us to win that match.
he made something like 30 tackles that match, and pretty much every one of them hurt the guy he hit. easily one of the best centre performances ive seen in any match, not just origin.

say what you will about Tate at club level, but he has nearly always given his 100% and played out of his skin at origin level.

Its clear as day that he lives to play in Maroon, and watching his for a bit this arvo, all he wants is to get selected and is playing out of his skin, and considering how he plays in maroon, I would wager that most of players in our past four series wins would love to line up next to Tate in D, he will never take a backwards step - he is the man

i agree with professor47 - Tates try was the one that broke NSW. we had been getting on top of them for the last like 10-15 minutes but with nothing to show for it. Tates try is what got the ball rolling for us to win that match.

I love Locky's try which one the match, but Tate's was the one that got us into the box seat to win - I can't think of Locky's without thinking of Tate's as well, those two trys go hand in hand