Who's hit the wall 2024 edition



Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
i think Tedesco has always been overrated to some extent, an incredible athlete and an attitude to work hard but over the last few years he’s become an absolute handbrake in attack.

People see his godly stats but overlook the fact that he has 2 or 3 runs a set, in attacking zones that chaotically crab all over the field. No regard from what I can see, for set plays or playing to points of the field.

Last year it became even worse and some of his cult followers finally started to question him. I’d almost suggest roosters would’ve been better off shifting him to centre or something but then they would’ve moved Manu there and for some reason Manu plays the exact same way when moved to fullback


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
Ben Hunt is the second. His erratic style might've worked for him with younger legs, but he appears to be a step slower and he's getting caught when doing his usual ropeadope in the line tactic. You could never rely on Ben to make the right play every time, but he'd normally somehow come up with an answer even in the most unorthodox of ways, mainly because he had that lower center of gravity to shrug off and skip away. I haven't seen that from him this year. This one is a little more understandable at 34, but in my eyes he's going to go on a very steep decline in the next 12 months. Not even sure he'll make the origin team this year.
Well, 6 weeks after making this prediction, Hunt is currently leading the comp in try assists, 3 in line break "involvements" and not only did he make the origin team, he's starting over Harry Grant.

While he may fall to shit later on the in the year, this one is shaping as a big fail.

AJ has been injured and only returned recently, so probably a bit hard to judge that one either way.

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