Who's hit the wall 2024 edition



State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
I could write a grandiose post in the form of @Big Pete but I probably wouldn't do it or him justice.

So i'll write a shit one instead - every year we see players seemingly hit the invisible wall, they've either hit their peak and have begun to regress or the legs have just completely gone over the course of one summer offseason.

Based on the first quarter of the season, who are those players in your eyes? I'll start with two:

Alex Johnston is the first one that comes to mind. I was sure before the start of this season that this guy would go on and break the all time try scoring record, but every game I've seen him play this year makes me think he may not even be playing in the NRL next year. At 28, he's theoretically at his athletic peak, but multiple times this year I've seen him in space and he deadset looks like he's running in quick sand. The legs appear to be gone. He has played a lot of football from a young age though, perhaps this is more the miles on the legs rather than the age. I don't think it's entirely his fault, Souths have been woeful, but even half breaks he can't seem to get through cleanly anymore, or gets run down within 30m.

Ben Hunt is the second. His erratic style might've worked for him with younger legs, but he appears to be a step slower and he's getting caught when doing his usual ropeadope in the line tactic. You could never rely on Ben to make the right play every time, but he'd normally somehow come up with an answer even in the most unorthodox of ways, mainly because he had that lower center of gravity to shrug off and skip away. I haven't seen that from him this year. This one is a little more understandable at 34, but in my eyes he's going to go on a very steep decline in the next 12 months. Not even sure he'll make the origin team this year.

What's everyone else think?


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
I hope you're wrong about Johnston, it would be amazing to see a record like that be broken. If it doesn't happen Souffs can go and get stuffed.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
You have to wonder about JT2 as well.
Oh yeah, him absolutely. There's no way he plays out that contract. My bet is medical retirement within the next 18 months. Only thing with him is this seems to be a slow moving carcrash. I'd say he hasn't been the same player since Payten's first season at the Cows. Initially I thought it was him stamping his mark, then I saw it as trying to prolong his career ... maybe Todd saw something before all of us.


State of Origin Rep
Dec 4, 2013
Adding Capewell to the mix. He looks well off the pace and close to a steep decline


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Cody Walker looks well past it. Damian Cook too. You have to wonder about JT2 as well.

I'd like to see if JT2 can regain his form away from Payten ... he was going great guns until Payten arrived then he almost instantly fell off a cliff


International Rep
Forum Staff
Sep 28, 2012
I still think Lolo’s knee never recovered from that Pangai hit years ago


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Oh and of course Anthony Milford but this happened years ago.
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
I'd like to see if JT2 can regain his form away from Payten ... he was going great guns until Payten arrived then he almost instantly fell off a cliff

Nnnnnnup. His knees are fucked (unless someone is lying) and he hasn't had a classic standout "JT2 game" in donkey's ages. There is nothing about Peyton's coaching that is stopping Jason from trampling the shit out of an opposition half, and when was the last time he did that?

He's cooked.


State of Origin Captain
Jun 13, 2019
Jason Taumalolo: the thread. That contract is a nightmare for the Cows. Who could have seen that coming
To say Cowboys are fucked is an understatement, they still have 3 more seasons of paying him after this one, he looks ready to retire now.

My guess is they will try and do what Souths have done and medically retire him at some point my guess is in the off season of 25/26, but it would still cost them Millions, I doubt they can financially afford to retire him earlier as a club.


State of Origin Captain
Jun 13, 2019
Corey Piax would be one but a year before, in 2022 he legit looked our best hooker option and since then has barely been a good Q cup hooker.

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