Why fighting has no place in rugby league

I mean nothing of the sort.

All I'm saying (yet again) is that if we're going to punish innocuous, minor, accidental high tackles with suspensions, then surely EVERY punch, whether it connects or not, which is a deliberate attempt to injure your opponent illegally, should be met with a suspension too.

If we want to "bring back the biff", then we should basically throw away the judiciary charges and just worry about the really bad ones.

Our game keeps cleaning itself up but fighting is one area they have simply not done it to the same level.

I guarantee you there's kids who are asking their dads why Brett White is allowed to play this weekend despite knocking Price out with a punch (after throwing half a dozen others) while Player X has been suspended for accidentally hitting another player high in a tackle with no harm done?

And yes there'll be parents who ask themselves why fighting is treated so leniently.
I love watching fights. Origin was bloody awesome because of all the fights. I'm with the Rock on this one and pretty much agree with what he's said in this thread so I'm not going to repeat it.
Whilst I disagree with your side of the argument comparing a fight on the field to a fight in a pub, I definitely agree that if we punish accidental high or spear tackles, that a few blokes throwing punches with intent should certainly be punished. I'd never really thought of it before, but it is ridiculous that a bloke could sit on the sideline for a few weeks for a tackle that went wrong, or that a team mate in the tackle made worse than it perhaps would have otherwise been, yet a bloke who purposely throws punches escapes without so much as a slap on the wrist. That's not to say that I don't like the odd bout here or there (though what happened on Wednesday was too far), but it does need to be punished.
I haven't read all of the above. I reckon we should deal with biff like they do in Ice Hookey. If 2 players go toe to toe, they go at it until it hits the ground, then it can be broken up. Those two players are sent to the bin. None of this 3rd man in getting worse off then out of the two involved in the fight.
I wonder if Steve Price saw Brett White get into a punch up in a pub somewhere would he help him....hmmmm
It's a contradiction for sure, but if the public keeps gunning for biffo on the field, it will keep getting overlooked.
Well it shows that the majority of rugby league fans are brain dead retards because they applaud two moronic **** heads punching each other, but bay for blood when a tackle creeps high.

But you're right, our game is desperate to keep the morons happy. That's why souths, sharks, manly et al exist in the national competition.


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