NEWS Why Kevin Walters has the Broncos close to another premiership


The brothers of Brisbane Broncos coach Kevin Walters have gone inside what has made their sibling successful in his first stint as an NRL head coach and why they believe a premiership is not far away for the glamour club.

Former Queensland Maroons and Kangaroos props Steve and Kerrod Walters, who played 21 Origins and 23 Tests between them, spoke about how the Broncos legend took the club he won five premierships with from the cellar to contenders within three seasons.

The Broncos finished 14th in Walters’ first season as head coach in 2021 before missing out on finals football despite sitting in the top four late in the 2022 season.

“We’re both really proud of him, he’s done a good job… it was pretty hard going when he come in there in those first couple of years, you can’t change things instantly, you’ve got to work your way through things,” Steve told Mornings SENQ.

“He’s very tenacious, everyone sees the light-hearted side of him, he’s always been good company but he’s pretty determined and a tenacious little fella too and he had to be those first couple of years.

“He had to have belief in what you’re doing and trust yourself and trust your judgement and what you know works because everyone’s giving you advice but he stuck to his guns about what he knew what is the right thing to do and how to coach the boys and what you need at the club.

“They really look like they’ve moved forward, I’m really pleased for him and they certainly have the makings and have as good a chance as anyone to have a crack at the end of the year.”

Walters’ twin, Kerrod, took a dig at his sibling while also heaping praise on his job with the Broncos and believed Kevvie could take Brisbane back to the glory days.

“There’s been a lot spoken about Kevvie and the six premierships he’s won, I used to think for a bloke with limited ability he certainly got the best out of himself,” he said on Mornings SENQ.

“He was an ordinary defender like myself but it appears to have gone on to his coaching as well, an ordinary coach having good success so far.

“He was a winner as a footy player and he’ll be a winner as a coach as well.

"He’s very resilient, he knows what needs to be done to be successful and he’s got a good core of players around him that know that Kevvie’s way is the way and there’ll be success down the track if they do what he wants them to do.

“They’ll be a very successful team like the Broncos in the 90s.”

Kevin, Kerrod and Steve Walters are the only three brothers in rugby league history to represent both Queensland and Australia.

I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
I couldn't be happier for him. We haven't won a title yet and it hardly matters, what he has done to bring the culture of the club back from the dead is just exceptional, and he's stuck a sock in the mouth of all his many critics.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
I think Kevvie will get us our next premiership but even if he doesn’t what he has done here is phenomenal and I will be forever thankful for. He never gets the appreciation he deserves outside of the Broncos but he doesn’t care either.

To go from what he gave the club as a player to then be rejected the first time he applied to be coach of the club and once the person he was overlooked for completely destroys the club he comes back to do whatever he can to get us back where we should be. To take us from wooden spooners to a GF in such a short time is simply amazing and I don’t think someone without the Broncos DNA he has could do it.

To call him a Broncos legend really doesn’t do him justice but I don’t know what else to say.

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