Yeah, pretty much my thoughts. Fingers crossed the next coach is a Hunt-lover as well. [icon_razz1dukey said:And now Stuart is in the media for attacking Klein and some RFL bloke post game. So he'd better get the sack ASAP.
Sabu_2008 said:*After Slater's brain explosion*
Me: Pass us the ball again, Billy!
Lady infront of us: Leave Billy alone
Me: Only if he keeps passing us the ball
Lady infront of us: Do you lot live here
My old man: Sh*t no! (important to point out we love Australia, the old man lived there for 20 years and constantly talks about returning to live! We said it in jest)
Lady infornt of us: Well go home then
Me: We will, and we're taking the world championship with us
Sabu_2008 said:Just got home today after a week on the Gold Coast, and a day out at the cricket/footy on the Saturday.
First things first, thatl be the first and last cricket test I'll be attending. Boring as hell.
Secondly, congrats to you blokes on having a fantastic football venue. Suncorp is f**king unreal for something run by a bunch of Nazis. Everything from the catering, to the access, to the busses in and out, were on point. Credit to the folk who run it. Heil hitler!
Thirdly, the game. Absolutely fantastic. We were sitting on the 15m mark of the end the Kiwis were attacking first (the rear end), and were on the edge of our seats the whole game. Amazing theatre from the haka/standoff to the drama of teh footy, to the lap of honor when the Kiwis (and Kleiny) pulled through. Best game of fixed league I've ever seen. Ever.
Forthly, it was the biggest stitch up in the history of World Cup competition and I don't care that you guys just couldn't hold on to the ball... you were robbed and raped by Ashley Klein so hard that you should really see a doctor. Had the game not been so stitched up and oppertunities been taken, the Roos wouldv run rampant. They didn't though and we have Ashley Klein to thank for that. So much so, that we gave him the keys to not only the country town of Auckland but also the slums of Wellington and Dunedin. Sensational stuff.
Fifthly, the calls that my ram rooting mates and I made were pretty farking lame. Examples:
*Hohaia drops the ball*
Idiot behind us: Thats what you f**king get for playing in the Super League.
Me: He doesn't, he plays for the Warriors.
Idiot behind us: Well he should after that
Me: But he's not, he's signed for another year or two
*Dead silence*
*After Slater's brain explosion*
Me: Pass us the ball again, Billy!
Lady infront of us: Leave Billy alone
Me: Only if he keeps passing us the ball
Lady infront of us: Do you lot live here
My old man: Sh*t no! (important to point out we love Australia, the old man lived there for 20 years and constantly talks about returning to live! We said it in jest)
Lady infornt of us: Well go home then
Me: We will, and we're taking the world championship with us
*Referring to Ashley Kline*
Guy behind us: We all know who is paying your wages!
Me: Well it aint the New Zealand RFL, they're broke
Sixthly, and most importantly...and I never thought I'd have the oppertunity to say this but...
5 more years boys...5 more years