CRICKET WTC and Ashes Tour of England



State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
They reckon it will be a flatter deck, hopefully we win the toss.


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
It will be interesting how the attack goes against that kind of batting.

Starc is a world class odi bowler, so will he possibly be more comfortable against that sort of attack compared to Boland and Hazlewood.

Alternatively Hazlewood and Boland are line and length, but the bounce they get can be hard to bat against even in ODI mode. Hazlewood has had a bit of a renaissance in the short forms as well.

Someone like Cummins might be worst off as he's not as much of a bounce guy, but can deliver a brute of a delivery out of nowhere.

One thing I probably would say is that I hope we put the short ball away... or use it very sporadically.

I think they've suggested bringing the boundaries in to support bazball and short ball hooks could definitely be dealt with.

As always back of a length on off is not going to be easily dispatched. Can push out full sucker balls as well with a packed slip and fly slip


State of Origin Rep
Dec 4, 2013
It will be interesting how the attack goes against that kind of batting.

Starc is a world class odi bowler, so will he possibly be more comfortable against that sort of attack compared to Boland and Hazlewood.

Alternatively Hazlewood and Boland are line and length, but the bounce they get can be hard to bat against even in ODI mode. Hazlewood has had a bit of a renaissance in the short forms as well.

Someone like Cummins might be worst off as he's not as much of a bounce guy, but can deliver a brute of a delivery out of nowhere.

One thing I probably would say is that I hope we put the short ball away... or use it very sporadically.

I think they've suggested bringing the boundaries in to support bazball and short ball hooks could definitely be dealt with.

As always back of a length on off is not going to be easily dispatched. Can push out full sucker balls as well with a packed slip and fly slip
Our entire pace attack are guns in short form cricket. Hazle, Cummins, and Green have extremely good short form records and are on huge IPL contracts. Starc would be on insane dollars in the IPL if he made himself available. Boland and Lyon have been decent in the BBL when they've played, too.

I think our bowlers will welcome an aggressive approach from England. I just hope our batsmen play their natural games and don't get sucked into going super-aggressive from the outset.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
It goes without saying but the toss here is absolutely critical.

Part of me wants England to win the toss so we can rip through them, that would put severe doubts in their minds about their new approach against a quality attack.


NRL Captain
Jun 6, 2015
Agreed. I actually think the Aussie trump card here though is Lyon. England always struggle against quality spinners.
Yeah for sure, Lyon is the big point of diffefence.

The other difference is our longish tail vs England having Ali batting at 8.


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
Makes no sense as to why Channel 9 would go for the Ashes... they've currently got Friday night footy going as well as the Ashes... it will be splitting their audience and costing them a fortune


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Yep as poorly as Starc bowled in the test championship, he’s a point of difference with both bat and ball.


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
Loose delivery straight up... and punished.

First deliveries in Ashes history can sometimes be a sign of things to come 😐😐

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