Your History with Broncos Grand Finals



QCup Player
Jun 3, 2021
Thought it might be interesting for everyone to list our 7 Grand Finals to date and their history with each of them.

Mine is a little boring but just certain tidbits about each.

92 & 93 for me I was 7 and 8 and don’t really have any strong memory of. My Mum was from Brisbane so I’m pretty sure I would have watched them, but I probably have a bit of Mandela affect.

1997 I am 10, really starting to gear up into my footy fanaticism

1998 is probably the first that I actually remember watching clearly, once again I’m still pretty young so would have smacked a few cordials while watching Jimmy Barnes bust out some working class man. I remember with each try I’d go outside and run around the house with my broncos flag, racked up some k’s that day.

2000 I have a distinct memory of eating a lot of watermelon on this day

2006 was the day after my mates 21st, was hungover as all hell but a broncos win fixed that up quick smart

2015 my wife and I were invited to a wedding and a few months out I made the decision that I would stay home and look after our 6 month old baby instead of going to the wedding because it was on grand final night and I believed we were in with a shot. My family came around and I was in an absolutely foul mood when the game finished, was not a great person to be around (I did not ask them to come around)

2023 ??? What I do know is that I can now finally understand how hard it is to get to a grand final and am going to soak up this week and the game itself. **** I’m excited, **** I need this.


International Captain
May 27, 2013
My only memories of 92 and 93 were the winfield cup trophy, confetti and Alan cann scoring a try under the posts.

97 - baggy jerseys and the super league ball with the blue edges.

98 - I have vivid memories of the greatest team ever. Taped the grand final and re-watched it over and over. Have loved the inside ball play ever since langer and Renouf did it on this day.

2000- went to watch it at a school friends place after I won under 14s gf, remember being pretty tired haha

2006- I remember the game was just about won and khunt was screaming in jubilation to rouse up webcke. Webby didn’t even smile and kept it professional until the siren.

2015- was at o’reilleys celebrating our wedding anniversary. Winning the gf would have capped off a perfect year for me, had an amazing year personally.


QCup Player
Jun 3, 2021
I didn't really care for league until I saw Shane Webcke playing with a broken arm. Hooked
IMG 3546


Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
And thennnnnnnn…….

2006 myself and @Black Philip watched it, then walked to the 7/11 to get Slurpees.

2015 myself and @Black Philip went to the GF and I'd rather not discuss that any further, except I hurt my foot when I kicked an immovable object (A concrete football stadium).

Before the game I was recognised by someone from here. Kinda famous 😎


NRL Player
Jul 3, 2021
92 - I was only just born
93- I was one year old
97- I was 5 so I probably didn't watch it
98 - I was 6.. but I remember this one, my friend in the street his whole family were massive Bulldogs supports and they had streamers, balloons, the works decorating outside the house. Me and another friend in the street would run up and rip streamers down or pop balloons everytime the Broncos scored.. Yelling

00- was 8 I remember having a BBQ at my parents friends house to watch the game. Didn't have a footy there so was kicking a empty coke bottle around pretending I was my hero's.

06 - watched it at home and went into Red Hill the next morning to watch the team arrive with the trophy

15 - wanted to drive to Sydney if I could get tickets and time off work but that didn't work out so watched at home, really liked watching Ipswich Jets play that year so watched their game in the lead up, watched the main game and was happy for about 79 and a half minutes.

23 - I'll be watching the boys lift the trophy from home.
Harry Sack

Harry Sack

International Rep
Forum Staff
Jun 12, 2013
2006 myself and @Black Philip watched it, then walked to the 7/11 to get Slurpees.

2015 myself and @Black Philip went to the GF and I'd rather not discuss that any further, except I hurt my foot when I kicked an immovable object (A concrete football stadium).

Before the game I was recognised by someone from here. Kinda famous 😎

Out of interest, your foot hurt for a long time as I understand it. How long did you wait before you went and got it checked out?


Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
Out of interest, your foot hurt for a long time as I understand it. How long did you wait before you went and got it checked out?

I never ended up doing it. Just all that complaining man. I haven't felt any issues with it for a while, but when it was cold, I was still feeling that a few years down the track.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
92 and 93 I was 6 and 7 respectively but was already a massive fan thanks to dad. Dad had to work on both those gfs (mines) so I was tasked with watching it and telling him about it. Distinctly remember renouf (92) and carne's (93) tries as a kid. Renouf was my first idol prob due to that try.

97 I was lucky enough to have austar (regional foxtel) in my room so I watched us stomp the sharks in the night gf. Renouf hatty <3 and started to notice some kid named lockyer

98 had some mates over and watched it. Tonie Carroll stomping after ht.

00 had mates over and watched it. Don't actually remember a lot about the game though.

06 was there. **** yeah one of the best nights of my life. As soon as it was full time in the bulldogs prelim i just turned to my partner (now wife) and said yeah we gotta go however means necessary. Bought the tickets from some randoms in keperra who apparently won them in a raffle.

15 watched from The Australian in NYC. Was chatting with some dude who was a foundation player for NQ, was wearing a shirt that listed all the players from 95 and his name was on it - verified it by showing me his aussie license etc. Was a good dude. Ran into Michael Caton and Wayne Swan (lol) and was having a chat with them. Caton cool, Swan wanker. No surprises there either. Was a 30min walk back to Chelsea so it was a long ass walk after that finish at 5am or whatever it was.

23 will be at a friends watching, along with the wife and the 2yo who learnt to say yay and throw her hands up at the tv. ah the circle of life.


NRL Captain
Sep 27, 2016
1992- Watched the game at my workplace before heading to Red Hill. We got really shitfaced. We were still there when the players arrived but I can hardly remember that. Somehow ended up asleep on the footpath in front of a pizza shop on Musgrave Rd.

1993- Spent the whole day at Red Hill with about four of my mates. I remember watching the reserve grade GF and thinking that there was no way I was going to make it to the main game due to inebriation. Incredibly enough, I got my second wind and lasted till 10 PM. An amazing day. The place absolutely erupted when Carne scored in the corner. I'm pretty sure I puked that night.

1997- Attended the SL GF along with 52,000 other fans at ANZ. Despite the sellout and the result, the atmosphere was pretty tame. The sport was fractured that year. Had a few drinks afterwards but it wasn't even a puke worthy night.

1998- Watched it at a bar down at Surfers. A great performance from probably the strongest Bronco team of all time. The atmosphere was again pretty low key. RL took a few years to recover after the SL war.

2000- Watched it at a mate's place. Had a few celebratory drinks as per usual. Drove by the Leagues Club on the way home. It looked pretty quiet. I probably reminisced about 92/93.

2006- Watched it at home. The game was super boring but ecstatic with the result.

2015- Watched it from a restaurant I owned at the time. The many patrons and I witnessed an incredible match. I was an inconsolable drunk that night.

2023- Likely watch it at home. We've been travelling overseas for most of the winter before recently moving back up to Qld. Needless to say, we are exhausted. This will be a sweet victory if it is achieved. The previous four years have been a total nightmare in the world of a Bronco fan.


State of Origin Rep
Dec 12, 2014
92 and 93 - I was a pre-schooler, so I have basically no memory of the games. But I do remember going to the airport and sitting on dad's shoulders to watch the players arrive back in Brisbane.

97 - I was living in Canberra, and being the only Broncos fan I thoroughly enjoyed giving shit to all my mates at footy.

98 - Watched it at home with my family. Dad put the TV out on the back deck, which was the coolest thing ever at the time.

2000 - I've got nothing. I know I watched it but I have no memories of it.

2006 - Watched it with my girlfriend at the time's dad who was a Roosters supporter and played reserve grade for them back in the day. Converted him to a Broncos fan for the day. Going into the game I had zero hope we would win, was fucking amazing when we knocked those cheating pricks off.

2015 - the missus is a Cowboys supporter, we booked flights in June on the off chance one of our teams would make it (we were 1 and 2 on the ladder at the time). We all know how that turned out.
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
I was at '97.

I'm hoping to find photos from the photographers that were there because I remember having a few photos taken of me on the players shoulders when they were doing their lap of honor. I was getting pinned between the crowd and the fence and they saw it and lifted me over. Even got to carry the trophy, not by myself though.

I was also at '98.

Haven't been to one since.

Watched all of them, remember all of them. The usual family BBQ unless I was actually attending the game.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 4, 2008
1992, was stoked, but felt like we were definitely going to win.

1993, Dad took me to the last game of reg season and St George outplayed us, so I didn't expect to win the GF so when Willie Carne scored to seal the win, I cried and so did my Mum. Was a great moment.

1997, I wasn't really into footy in my teen years, I don't even think I watched it if I'm honest.

1998, more of the same but I do remember watching this.

2000, I was starting to get into footy more again but I have nothing interesting to say about this.

2006, My favourite GF. I was obsessed with footy at this point.

2023, I'm going to the GF. Go Broncos.


QCup Player
Oct 3, 2013
92. I was a couple of months shy of my 14th Birthday. My girlfriend’s parents were having a bbq for the footy. Got my 1st bj that day & 2 lifelong loves are born.
93. Same venue no bj 😡 and whilst one passion is waning, my love for the Broncos remains strong.
97 I know I watched it somewhere, drunk, high having a fat time 😎. Thinking back on it, think I watched it at home with my dad.
98. Watched it at a share house I was in with 4 of my best mates. Made a weekend out of it, had heaps of people crashing at our place etc Can’t remember too much of the game, I took mushrooms that morning. Fun fact, we had a party on the Friday night where the girl from 92 hooked up with my cousin, now her husband.
00. Got nothing, probably watched it at a mates house or something
06 watched at a tipping comp GF function. We went to catch a cab to broncos leagues club at 1am (3 hour trip) so we could be there when they got home. Taxi driver wouldn’t let us drink in the car so we went back to a mates house and kept on partying. Easy top 5 drunkest I’ve ever been.
15 what GF
23. If we win, I’m going on a 3 week bender.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 30, 2020
92, 93, 97, 98, 2000: can't remember. Was 5-13 years old at the time. Probably watched it with my grandma (stayed at her house every weekend, and is the reason I go for the Broncos and Qld while being born and raised in Western Syd...).

2006: just watched it at home with some mates I think. A memorable year though, seeing that I met my wife in 2007 (the start of the curse on the Broncos - i also use this to remeber how many years we've known each other).

2015: my first grand final. I...I...I don't want to talk about it....


State of Origin Rep
Mar 28, 2019
I was in Timor for 2006 win, no internet, didn’t know we won for ages!

It’s been sooooo long since I’ve physically witnessed a gf win.

2015 was in Vancouver watching it by myself, very long and lonely walk home past people shooting up in the streets. Was a real FML moment 😂


QCup Player
Apr 30, 2010
92 & 93 - cannot really remember as I was heaps young but the best thing about those GF's was being a lifelong Broncos fan born and raised in Sydney. I went to public school across the road from OKI Jubilee Oval, grew up in St. George territory most of my life. I remember the public school put on a "red & white" day to celebrate St. George making the GF's. Happened both years. Both years we won and both years myself and another bloke were the only 2 kids who wore maroon out of the entire school. They didn't even allow me in the school photo haha!

97 - can't remember but most probably watched it at home.

98 - a Bulldogs friend of mine came over and we watched it at my place. He was pretty happy at half time but by the end of it, wasn't so happy haha. That 98 team is the greatest Bronco team of all-time.

2000 - watched it at home, from what I remember.

2006 - Was nervous as hell for this GF because the Storm were a machine and we were heavy underdogs. Went to The Star in Sydney with a few mates, had a few drinks and watched the game at a bar. Was absolutely unbelievable that game, loved every minute of it. Went crazy at full time haha.

2015 - Went to the game with my wife. Needless to say, I will not be attending any Broncos GF's anytime soon. A night to forget.

2023 - I'm in Cairo, Egypt at this moment and will be watching live stream somehow? Haha. The game kicks off at 11.30am here so I'll wake up, make a coffee and get straight into it. Let's goooo!!!!

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