I am a born and bred South Australian, and lived all my life here
Grew up playing aussie rules and supported my team like it was a religion
A bit over 20 years ago, I realised I no longer found a sport that resembled seagulls fighting over a hot chip entertaining
A friend pointed me to the league and I have never looked back
I liked what the Broncos stood for and thus they were chosen to be the team I support
I have loved them ever since
Not having any affiliation with either NSW or QLD from birth, I simply had to choose who to support
I chose QLD, as many of the players I already knew and loved, represented them - it just makes sense
Since then, I have made friends with some NSW folk who have relocated to Adelaide, and I watch Origin with a passion not matched by them
I have never known anything other than supporting QLD, and my love for them and passion for them to win has grown every year as I have become more and more annoyed at NSW antics (taking pot shots at Meninga's coaching, etc.)
My choice to support QLD is no less relevant or meaningful than someone who has lived in QLD all their life
Supporting the local team requires no thought. Australians support the Australian cricket team simply because they are Australian.
You may support the Maroons simply because you were born in QLD. I support them because I have thought about it and made a choice.
Neither is right nor wrong, neither is better than the other, neither necessarily more passionate than the other.
It's just the story of how we both came to love the greatest team in history :)