And another one.. George Burgess charged.

Dugan shouldn't have been out given his reputation and track record. Same goes with Ferguson who has been in trouble a number of times.

It's as simple as that. Agreed. But they're both too, um, simple to get it.
while not as bad as assault, Dugan broke his 'no booze' clause

so he has done something wrong
If your employer says "thou shalt not drink", you have 2 options:
1. **** you, I quit.
2. OK, I'll do it.

He chose option 2, but then gave them the middle finger anyway. In all likelihood he would've got away with it if not for Blake Ferguson being a grub, but there you go.

It might well cost him a job next season. Or the Dragons will put results before principle and suck it up.
If your employer says "thou shalt not drink", you have 2 options:
1. **** you, I quit.
2. OK, I'll do it.

He chose option 2, but then gave them the middle finger anyway. In all likelihood he would've got away with it if not for Blake Ferguson being a grub, but there you go.

It might well cost him a job next season. Or the Dragons will put results before principle and suck it up.
He's a dick just for drinking in public when he's a public person who has been told not to drink. It shows a certain level of arrogance, on that alone I'm now happy signing Dugan didn't work out, he obviously has no respect for his employer.
At first I thought this was the Dugan & Ferguson thread.

Send the Pommie criminal back to the motherland ; )
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Going from Channel 9 news in Sydney. George cops a 10k fine, 2 week ban, 50 hours community service and must attend an anger management course. It seems to be about a girl telling him to leave her apartment, so frankly while not a good result, it could have been a lot worse ala Ben Te'o.
Going from Channel 9 news in Sydney. George cops a 10k fine, 2 week ban, 50 hours community service and must attend an anger management course. It seems to be about a girl telling him to leave her apartment, so frankly while not a good result, it could have been a lot worse ala Ben Te'o.

I think that punishment is fair.
Punishment seems fair enough. It's a dumb thing to do, but given it appears a woman has told him no, I agree with Twiztid that it's nowhere near as bad as it could have been.
2 weeks!?!?!?! GODDAMIT! That rules him out of my super coach draft league semi.

I'm gonna find a street sign and throw it at his car and see how he likes it!!
2 weeks!?!?!?! GODDAMIT! That rules him out of my super coach draft league semi.

I'm gonna find a street sign and throw it at his car and see how he likes it!!
Ahh shit, same here!! There goes roughly 70+ points. Maybe just trade out George and trade in Tom, lol.

Edit... Nope hold that I lost because I didn't realise that your floating bench doesn't score points unless players are missing from your 13. I had basically 270 points sitting on that floating bench with Elijah Taylor and Albert Kelly scoring big numbers. Mega pissed as I thought all 17 players played!!! Would have been the GF as well.
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The game is full of mixed messages and contradictions when it comes to alcohol, the NRL has education programs in the excess while the clubs and rep sides hold well publicised bonding sessions, beers are available in the locker rooms after a win in some instances, including the Broncos, clubs, teams and the code are sponsored by alcohol brands and then when players are caught up in alcohol related scandals the game scratches its collective head as to what the answer is. Until the code accepts its responsibility in the behaviour of its players nothing will ever improve, taking a stand is going to cost the code a lot of sponsorship money, not easy to come by, from these beer companies but then how much does it cost the code every time one of these scandals erupts, not just in monetary terms, but in participation and goodwill.

Your examples are flawed. Beers in the dressing room and beers in camp or a beer in general doesn't mean poor behaviour. You don't have to rid the game of alcohol.
Your examples are flawed. Beers in the dressing room and beers in camp or a beer in general doesn't mean poor behaviour. You don't have to rid the game of alcohol.
I don't believe it is flawed. How can the game expect players to have a responsible attitude to alcohol while at the same time condoning binge sessions as an excuse to bond. It's archaic and the game has out grown it. Its not about ridding the game of alcohol, it's about ridding the culture of alcohol in the game. All these incidents of poor behaviour are not the result of 'a beer', it's the result of excess beers. Of course it's only one half of the problem and players are ultimately responsible for their behaviour, but to suggest the two are unrelated is naive.
I don't believe it is flawed. How can the game expect players to have a responsible attitude to alcohol while at the same time condoning binge sessions as an excuse to bond. It's archaic and the game has out grown it. Its not about ridding the game of alcohol, it's about ridding the culture of alcohol in the game. All these incidents of poor behaviour are not the result of 'a beer', it's the result of excess beers. Of course it's only one half of the problem and players are ultimately responsible for their behaviour, but to suggest the two are unrelated is naive.

Which dressing room has binge drinking?
Do you honestly believe if you rid the game of alcohol sponsorship and no beers in dressing rooms behaviour will be 100%?
He's a dick just for drinking in public when he's a public person who has been told not to drink. It shows a certain level of arrogance, on that alone I'm now happy signing Dugan didn't work out, he obviously has no respect for his employer.

Completely agree with this. I was very much in the 'sign Dugan at any cost camp' but am now very glad we didn't. I mean this guy got sacked from Canberra, got a second chance he probably didn't deserve from us, fucked that up, had to work like a normal person, got to the point that the only club that would take him are the ones that he rejected twice and it was made very clear this was absolute last chance saloon... Four weeks later he's essentially giving this club the middle finger. Douche!
Which dressing room has binge drinking?
Drinks in locker rooms reinforce the alcohol culture in the game and I don't see the need for it, you only had to see Blake Ferguson coming off the NSW team bus with half a six pack of VB in one hand and an open beer in the other.
If we are fair dinkum the drinking culture is a society problem not just an NRL problem. People drink to get drunk these days. They drink to write themselves off.