Anthony Milford Discussion

The great halves are able to get their team on the front foot with a good kicking game and smart play, which is something our halves can't do.
Agreed, good point.

Milford is still young. He hasn't fully matured yet. He is still developing. People seriously need to give him some time. He will be a great player one day.
How many times have people said this about our new players? This is the default argument that really is piss-weak.
I rate Milford as a running player and in broken play but he is not a 5/8 he doesn't have the vision, the ability to create time (which great players have naturally not by playing 300 games) he does not have a very good short kicking game, I have never seen him chip over the top and regather and he does not have a long passing game and cannot throw a decent cut out pass to put a center into a gap, which is the primary prerequisite for a 5/8.

He is looking chubby and frustrated, maybe a bit jealous of Hunt's signing as well.

I think the big issue for me at the moment, he is a player after a million dollar a year contract who is playing nowhere near that valuation. He is 23 in july, almost 100 games of first grade behind him with two full NRL seasons of playing five eighth in his locker. We can only talk about potential with him for so long. HE should be owning that position. I'd be loathe to pay him that kind of money based on his performances in the second half of last season and this one so far.

I know its early days, but something doesnt seem right with him. He is obviously on the heavy side, which isnt good for a player like him. He seems to have lost that little bit of spark and burst of speed which made him such a huge threat, The footwork is still there, but he has a lot of work to do to convince me he is a million dollar a year player.
I got absolutely smashed in this forum for saying more or less the same thing. You are correct, his footwork is his strong point, but as the main ball player on the field he needs to bring more to the table which he has not and when he does on occasion it is not consistent.

Maybe we could trade Milford to the Titans for Taylor and sign Foran to partner with Taylor.. :shhhhhhhhhhhhosh:
That would be a very good move.

I'm willing to persevere with Milford. The guy is a genuine superstar.
You are living in la la land if you think he is a "genuine superstar". If he was, would this thread even exist?

ANTHONY Milford is on the verge of signing a $2.7 million upgrade that will see the Brisbane whiz-kid eclipse Darren Lockyer as the highest-paid player in Broncos history.
What an insult that is to Lockyer.
Some people should watch some vids of Milford to see his passing game, long and short, and of course his running game just to feel good.

Maybe some people ought to wait for a decent attacking coach to show fully what we had in 2015.

I for one thought Milford was fucking outstanding in 2015, and truth be told, in his NRL years before '15.

Worth every cent. Hope the same can be said of our attacking coaching staff, and pretty soon at that.
How many times have people said this about our new players?

Because it takes time to make the transition to 5/8 and master it.

It took Locky time, it will take Milford time.

It's as simple as that.

As for your comments regarding his long passing and cut out pass ability, that is complete rubbish and shows you don't watch him much. I would suggest you go back and watch the footage. One game to watch, Round 6 2016 vs Dragons.
Hope he develops like Locky
Fear he'll develop like Marshall.

Marshall on his day was an excellent running 5/8 and mesmerizing to watch. If he can be a consistent version of that, I would be very happy.
Leave it to BHQ to turn securing one of the best talents in the game into a catastrophy. Outstanding work.
I think we should have kept Darren Nicholls instead. I just think he is a better prospect and will be a better player in 5 years.
If you'd be happy with Marshall 2.0 that's fine.
When locky lost a bit of zip he was equally, if not more dangerous.
You can't rely on speed alone for ever.
To truely meet his potential Milford will need to develop between the ears.
I don't rate him all that highly based on what he has done since joining, but 900k per year with a rising cap next year, is acceptable, if it was something ridiculous like 1.5m I'd be pretty annoyed.

I hope he can live up to his pay, and hopefully we can find a 7 that fits well with him.
If you'd be happy with Marshall 2.0 that's fine.
When locky lost a bit of zip he was equally, if not more dangerous.
You can't rely on speed alone for ever.
To truely meet his potential Milford will need to develop between the ears.

And wasn't it locky that said that is what makes milf so special.
Agreed, good point.

How many times have people said this about our new players? This is the default argument that really is piss-weak.
I rate Milford as a running player and in broken play but he is not a 5/8 he doesn't have the vision, the ability to create time (which great players have naturally not by playing 300 games) he does not have a very good short kicking game, I have never seen him chip over the top and regather and he does not have a long passing game and cannot throw a decent cut out pass to put a center into a gap, which is the primary prerequisite for a 5/8.

He is looking chubby and frustrated, maybe a bit jealous of Hunt's signing as well.

I got absolutely smashed in this forum for saying more or less the same thing. You are correct, his footwork is his strong point, but as the main ball player on the field he needs to bring more to the table which he has not and when he does on occasion it is not consistent.

That would be a very good move.

You are living in la la land if you think he is a "genuine superstar". If he was, would this thread even exist?

What an insult that is to Lockyer.
Wrong on every point and honestly I think it's time people got off his back. He is not a fucken robot but he is a very good player who has won games for us and is working hard to become a great player. The way you talk about his weight you would think he's the Michelin man. It's ridiculous.
While I'm at it you guys can get off Macca as well. He's been outstanding and to pick a couple of split second decisions out of 3 games of excellent football and beat him over the head with them is petty.
Is this a supporters forum or a wannabe expert bitchfest?
And wasn't it locky that said that is what makes milf so special.
Let me just say , I love watching Anthony play, And I think he's worth the money. I just hope he develops into long lasting superstar, Lockyer/ Thurston. Also I don't follow, what does he think makes him great?
I think we should have kept Darren Nicholls instead. I just think he is a better prospect and will be a better player in 5 years.
You've been super salty since last Thursday night, everything cool?
He's definitely no alfie. I agree that he needs some specialist coaching/mentoring to really unlock his potential. Bennett can teach him about heart and attitude but not really the attacking smarts required to be like locky.

Sigh 2015 was special..


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