NEWS Chris Johns quits

Kevvie's bestie, Old Boys Chairman and serial whinger Chris Johns has thrown in the towel on the eve of Ben Ikin's arrival at Red Hill, citing disrespect. Yet Walters claims he's all aboard the Ikin train.

Chris Johns:

“Yes, I have stood down. Because of my frustration at what I think is a lack of support and respect to ‘Kevvie’. We seem to continually spiral down the same drain with the same people making the same decisions at Kevvie’s expense.”


Johnsy has been blueing with the Broncos for some time, so he’s probably had enough to be honest ... I don’t know.”


Without knowledge

“I think Ben Ikin is a great appointment, we are starting to get things in shape here at the Broncos. I’ve had great support since Dave Donaghy came into the building. I have no complaints about Dave Donaghy. I am in dialogue with him all the time. It’s been a tough week for sure, but Dave and I are working closely together on the decisions that have been made."

“We are all on the same page with the changes and I’m looking forward to getting back to training on the weekend. Dave has made it clear that, if required, I have his full support to bring in extra resources."


Never meaning no harm


“Our club has a really strong relationship with the entire Old Boys network. We’ve increased our support to the Old Boys this year and we are working through ways to support them further. We are channelling a lot of energy and investment into our football program. We will continue to provide Kevin with the support he needs.”

I’d say it’s more to do with the pale rider not coming back now that his son in law is calling the shots. Hopefully they can put their differences aside and work together to turn this club around. Maybe that only happens in Disney productions like seventh heaven or on Dr Phil. Actually .......
I get that feeling too. I suspect he is in way over his head and he knows it.
I think they may work an angle where they set everything up for the new coach and Kev “voluntarily” hands the torch over to avoid embarrassing anybody.

but yeah, Kev looked and spoke like a sacked man during the bunnies post game.
Good riddance ...

p.s. "the same people making the same decisions" ... really Chris, really?

DD has been in charge for 7 weeks now, and in that time has sacked 2 high profile, influential staff members
FMD, I am done if that is the case. He is hopeless.

Is he, though?

The Cowboys were just making up the numbers prior to his arrival. They were a top 4 side within two seasons of him becoming head coach. Turned them into a premiership winning side and got his team to the GF without JT two years after winning the premiership.

It's all been downhill from there, but Cowboys were always going to have some bad years post-JT. He was such a big part of their club and such a big part of that side.

I look at our roster and think he could do something with it.