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  1. Playboy Bunny

    Panthers Vrs Rabbitohs *****SPOILERS*****

    hahaha ah some people are funny. I'd like to see how many 'fans' Broncos would have if they've had the same run as Souths. You'd be lucky to get half of what there is now. I'd rather the bandwagoners don't come. We all know who they are because they are people we don't know LOL
  2. Playboy Bunny

    Panthers Vrs Rabbitohs *****SPOILERS*****

    Oh well you're one up on me Shaun because I never give a shit if the Broncos win....except for next week. lol I must say that Penrith weren't at their strongest tonight however we did keep them under control so I think that had something to do with it. I am SOSOSOSOSOS happy for Sutto. The last...
  3. Playboy Bunny

    Cronulla Sharks sack Seymour

    Yeah I thought he had admitted that he has a problem. A lot of people can admit they have a problem or an addiction to something but not necessarily want any help for it.
  4. Playboy Bunny

    Cronulla Sharks sack Seymour

    Can people become addicted to ciggies??...Yes Can people become addicted to gambling??...Yes Can people become addicted to caffinee??...Yes can people become addicted to heroine??....Yes... can someone be addicted to alcohol?? YES!! He does have some form of an addiction. It's not a case of not...
  5. Playboy Bunny

    Finally, a good news story for league

    I always knew there was something about him I liked......this must have been it ;)
  6. Playboy Bunny

    Cronulla Sharks sack Seymour

    You can only help people when they are ready to be helped. He may know he has an issue with alcohol and his behaviour yet he hasn't reached that stage in his life where we really wants or needs the help. The rest of us can see that but it is impossible to help someone who doesn't want help.
  7. Playboy Bunny

    Jake Friend questioned over an assault

    usually we see all of the bigger named players get away with stuff like this (which they shouldn't) but there is no reason that these nobodies should get away with it!
  8. Playboy Bunny

    Game 2 ********SPOILERS*********

    To put it simply, he doesn't have some of the best players all in one team ready to knock his head off against him. City vs country is just not a way to tell how good a player is going to play at SOO and for the Tigers is pretty simple as he is the better of the NRL players and can work those...
  9. Playboy Bunny

    Game 2 ********SPOILERS*********

    This is Twiztid. Sorry The Rock (Shaun, sounds weird otherwise) but Farrah needs to go. Game 1 Campese was made the scapegoat because Farrah never found him when he had a set play ready and found him when he had QLD players sitting on top of him. His passes have been pretty bad all series...
  10. Playboy Bunny

    Illegal shots and the penalty

    This is Twiztid. I have seen plenty of hits like this in Origin. Tonnie Carroll used to do plenty in his day. The difference here was Barrett connected flush, instead of it being just a solid shot to the player submitting on the ground. If it did connect and Inglis didn't get hurt there...
  11. Playboy Bunny

    NSW team for game 3

    I think definately drop Farrah and I would probably replace him with Ennis. Wing will be right to play for the next game so I would probably pop him in there as well. wallace was given enough time and he has to go as well, I would replace him with Noddy even though they are trying to go for a...
  12. Playboy Bunny

    Game 2 ********SPOILERS*********

    Good on Queensland. I think last nights game could have really gone either way at the end. It was good to see the players so happy at the end. Of course not so much the NSW players but oh well, thats what you get. I won't be losing any sleep over it either. Actually I had a great night sleep...
  13. Playboy Bunny

    Illness strikes the camp :(

    Lucky they wear Maroon shorts....won't notice so much.
  14. Playboy Bunny

    rock qld needs you!

    Hahaha ahhh way too funny. People take things way too seriously now a days hey... I would say he looks like a monkey....but......that would be an insult to monkeys.
  15. Playboy Bunny

    Knights NYC player MISSING!

    That seems really strange. Hopefully they find him somewhere but it doesn't look promising.
  16. Playboy Bunny

    Closet Fans

    I'm just the
  17. Playboy Bunny

    Closet Fans

    You implying she's not a catch anymore??
  18. Playboy Bunny

    Closet Fans

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Scott thats shameful but funny....
  19. Playboy Bunny

    Closet Fans

    Ummm I'm sure that was to do with his poultry infactuation LOL
  20. Playboy Bunny

    Closet Fans

    Do you really think I'd be dating him if that was true....don't think so.... [icon_evillaugh

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