2011/12 NFL Season

I was following in NFL.com anyway so I know the result.
Cool. I'll mention how much I love that time out right before a kick. I've seen it work a bunch of times for other teams.
Also I love Jason Pierre-Paul. I'm sorry for all the hurtful things I said about him at the draft.
In War of the Worlds, the aliens, with all their superior technology and brains, were still defeated by something as simple as a virus. They had reached the highest form of evolution but had somehow lost immunity to the simplest form of attack along the way. The success of that virus against invading aliens is an apt analogy for Tim Tebow's success against every other NFL team.

Read more: Cracked 64: The Top 8 of Everything of 2011 - Person | Cracked.com http://www.cracked.com/cracked-64-top-8-everything-of-2011/Person_p2/#ixzz1gNP9QyS3
Why do I always think of Ivan Vanko from Iron man 2 when I see Marshawn lynch?

"vere ist moi boird?"
Loving that there is a game on Sunday our time this week. And over a third of my team is involved, so I will already know if I've lost by Sunday arvo.
Oh yeah, finally. Wish Americans would adopt a love for Friday Night Football again!
Haha. I just found the theme for all my holiday snaps this summer.
The Colts are crazy if they are seriously entertaining trading the #1 pick away to appease Manning!

Sure, Manning is a great player - but at his age and coming off a major neck injury he's not worth the risk.

I doubt anyone would be willing to take on his $28 million dollar price tag for next year either - so any deal involving Manning would have to be restructured.
If I was a colts fan I would want to trade the pick 10000000% theres every chance in the world this guy will be a bust. they already have a qb thats one of the top 5 greatest quarterbacks of all time. so trade the pick, get a kings ransom for itand be successful for the next 10 years or so.

But as a raiders fan, i hope they trade Manning to us.