2012's Biggest Flops.

They probably want a prop, not an average second row.

Can't believe the Raiders threw good money at him.
Aaaaand the excuses from the bennett supporters have begun. Transition. New spine. Injured players. No first grade standard forwards. Blah blah blah. He missed the finals, his team finished in a worse position than they did without him last year. He got showed up.

Now he's trying to buy another premiership by recruiting half his old team and any other big name who will follow the money. If they make the 8 next year it'll be all "see how great WB is!?" despite the fact they were there before he took over and just bought a new team.

Snowden was awesome last year. He sucked this year. Flop.
Boyd was excellent last year. He sucked this year. He looked uninterested and unhappy. Flop.
Bennett was going to do great things. Premiership in year 1 guaranteed. Missed the 8. Flop.

On the Edwards thing - Bennett's a do as I say, not as I do guy. Remember when hodges signed with the roosters? Dropped immediately for the rest of the season. Looked like it was gonna happen with zeb taia too.
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AP...you appear to have a modicum of intelligence but you must be very young. Only the the very young or dumb could hold the multitude of views you seem to have but you can defend yourself when writing and expressing your point so I'll assume you are very young. Give up on the WB bashing. Those of us who have lived a long time have gained some wisdom, WB even more so.

It appears your angry and it impairs your thinking. The word jealous springs to mind reading your condemnation of WB. No, not every decision made by WB is right or perfect but the overwhelming majority are well reasoned and well considered. Despite your immature accusations, we are not all blind to WBs(and others) failings. It's just that we do not simply pigeonhole someone for a single decision.

WB never went to Newcastle declaring he would win a premiership so it is not a 'fail'. Societal expectation (and yours apparently !!!) was that he would. WB went there to coach a team to perform to their potential and perhaps, given the circumstances, they did. They may not have been capable of much more I do not know but I'm absolutely certain of this though......you have no clue either.

I respect your right to an opinion. On this forum it takes time to gain respect for an opinion ,usually because of the respect shown to others.
John Grant is most certainly in the flop category. He may have had a lot to do with the $1 Billion but he also has a lot to do with the fans getting pissed on by Channel 9 for another 5 years. The money might be important but so are the fans who also bring in a shit load of money to the game.
AP...you appear to have a modicum of intelligence but you must be very young. Only the the very young or dumb could hold the multitude of views you seem to have but you can defend yourself when writing and expressing your point so I'll assume you are very young. Give up on the WB bashing. Those of us who have lived a long time have gained some wisdom, WB even more so.
well youre wrong on pretty much all counts there. also, this:

"Only the the very young or dumb could hold the multitude of views you seem to have but you can defend yourself when writing and expressing your point so I'll assume you are very young."

literally makes no sense. maybe you are very old and possibly senile?

It appears your angry and it impairs your thinking. The word jealous springs to mind reading your condemnation of WB. No, not every decision made by WB is right or perfect but the overwhelming majority are well reasoned and well considered. Despite your immature accusations, we are not all blind to WBs(and others) failings. It's just that we do not simply pigeonhole someone for a single decision.

not angry at all. in fact, im very happy with how its all turning out in regards to Bennett. im not jealous of him at all. im jealous of his millions of dollars, sure, but the same could be said for 99.9% of the population who arent millionaires.

no, youre not ALL blind to WBs failings. most of you are though, and most of you choose to simply ignore them and go back to the old "hes won 6 premierships therefore hes the best coach in the game today" defense.

WB never went to Newcastle declaring he would win a premiership so it is not a 'fail'.
Sandow didnt go to Parramatta declaring he'll play awesome every match either, so its not a 'fail'......right?

bennett didnt go there to bake cupcakes, he went there to coach them to a premiership. they missed the 8. big name coach, 10+ rep players, finalists previous year......miss the finals. you dont see that as a 'fail'?

Societal expectation (and yours apparently !!!) was that he would. WB went there to coach a team to perform to their potential and perhaps, given the circumstances, they did. They may not have been capable of much more I do not know but I'm absolutely certain of this though......you have no clue either.
i didnt expect him to win a premiership at all, because I dont think hes anywhere near as great a coach ANYMORE as everyone on here and the general dumb public think.

but again, it seems like youre making excuses - basically saying that he succeeded in his job and that the team missing the 8 was all the players fault. i bet when Saints or the Broncos won premierships though you were saying its all thanks to the coaching. nothing bennett ever does will make some people see that he isnt the best coach anymore, and isnt some coaching genius who just can take any team at any time and win a premiership unless the players dont play to his gameplan. his gameplan is one of the main reasons why hes NOT anywhere near the best coaches anymore.
AP...it does make sense. I did omit one word which would have given it greater meaning, the word 'well'. It should have been between 'yourself' and 'when'. In other words you are capable of writing well. I meant you appear jealous of any ones success including WBs. I'd venture that a more appropriate word for you when describing WBs millions would be envious.

WB went to Newcastle with the ultimate aim of winning a premiership as does every coach at the other clubs. The 15 other teams who 'fail' to win a premiership each year are not necessarily failures rather they each have varying degrees of success. What annoys most is your insinuation the WB declared he would bring home a premiership. He did no such thing. Rather he declared he would do the best job he could. As you or I do not know what has happened behind the scenes at Newcastle neither you nor I can say whether he 'failed' or not.

I am old but you should be able to deduce from my offerings on this forum that I am hardly senile. Rather I still see myself as an articulate and thoughtful poster. I refrain from knee-jerk responses and keep my expectations of others humble. I do not expect the super human standards so sorely missing in others that you do.

For my 34th birthday WB and his team gave me a premiership, their first. No, AP I did not say that the success or other of any team,Broncos included, is/was down to the efforts of one person. Success in this game is achieved only through the efforts of many and never by the efforts of a single person. That is how any grown-up mature adult would view it.

I make no excuse for WBs efforts this year as no excuse is needed. Each coach has had varying degrees of success and that simply, is all there is to it. Some have been more successful than others and that does not even consider what or how a success is defined. AP, your childlike simplistic view that success can only be measured by the number of premierships won is why your opinions are so lightly regarded. You are not unintelligent, you are just wrong about so much.

I know you believe you are one of the few who truly capable of deep thought and most of the rest of us are not equipped to see things clearly but your second last paragraph shows how misguided your view is.
Parramatta fans take heart: Your team isn't a 'failure', they're just 'differently successful'!
What annoys most is your insinuation the WB declared he would bring home a premiership. He did no such thing. Rather he declared he would do the best job he could. As you or I do not know what has happened behind the scenes at Newcastle neither you nor I can say whether he 'failed' or not.
find where i said Bennett declared he'd bring home a premiership. find the tooth fairy while youre there. maybe say hi to bigfoot as well.

I am old but you should be able to deduce from my offerings on this forum that I am hardly senile. Rather I still see myself as an articulate and thoughtful poster. I refrain from knee-jerk responses and keep my expectations of others humble. I do not expect the super human standards so sorely missing in others that you do.
I havent seen that from your offerings.

how do i expect super human standards? objectivity and reasonably presented arguments are "super human standards" now?

I make no excuse for WBs efforts this year as no excuse is needed. Each coach has had varying degrees of success and that simply, is all there is to it.
no excuse is needed, correct - hes just not a coach that can take any group of players and turn them into a premiership force. Des Hasler looks like he can. Craig Bellamy looks like he can. Bennett doesnt.

to say that each coach had various degrees of success and not say that any failed is ridiculous, and shows how irrelevant your argument is. i wouldnt think the word 'success' should be anywhere near a sentence in regards to Stephen Kearney this year, would you? likewise, the supposed "best coach in the game" taking the 8th placed in 2011 knights to missing the finals with a better squad in 2012 is a failure, especially when you actually watched some of their games. they were downright embarrassing in MANY matches this year. south sydney of the past embarrassing. western suburbs of the mid-late 90s embarrassing. thats a failure, not any degree of success.

AP, your childlike simplistic view that success can only be measured by the number of premierships won is why your opinions are so lightly regarded. You are not unintelligent, you are just wrong about so much.

now find where I said anything even remotely like 'success can only be measured by the number of premierships won'. 2011 for the broncos was a success for me. 2009 for the broncos was a success for me. 2012, if we make the finals, will be a success in the fact that we made the finals in our first year without the greatest player to ever play the game.

people whos opinions mean nothing to me, and have shown they dont really know what theyre talking about, telling me that my opinion isnt highly regarded or that im wrong doesnt phase me in the slightest. the fact that you dont think that ANY coaches can EVER fail, just have varying degrees of success, says all we need to know about your opinion.

thread derailed, so if you want to reply to me do it via PM and im only too happy to continue. i just know that if i post anything more in here along these lines ol' mate Porthoz will come wielding the banhammer or start editing/deleting my posts willy-nilly.
AP, who exactly are the 10+ rep players they had at their disposal this year? Also do not put City Country reps in your list because that is akin to a trial game.

1. Gidley - Current to some extent
2. Mullen - Hasn't played rep footy in years
3. McManus - Played once years ago
4. Costigan - No where near good enough to play rep footy anymore
5. Tahu - Way past his best
6. Uate - Current
7. Buderus - 34 and won't get another go
8. Snowden - Current
9. Boyd - Current
10. Taia - May have played for NZ but hasn't been good for a few years
11. Sau - Same as Taia

Basically they only had 4 genuine current rep standard players in Boyd, Uate, Snowden and Gidley and your argument that they have 10+ is completely stupid because those players are not picked in rep temas for a reason and it is mainly due to ongoing form. It would be like naming Matt Cooper and Ben Hornby as "rep players" when talking about the Dragons this year, they were rep players a long time ago but age and form make them anything but that now. You seriously need to actually think about things before you post them sometimes because these posts do make you look stupid because of how blatantly biased you are.
Let's get back to the topic at hand, and discuss the opinion, not the poster!
AP, who exactly are the 10+ rep players they had at their disposal this year? Also do not put City Country reps in your list because that is akin to a trial game.

1. Gidley - Current to some extent
2. Mullen - Hasn't played rep footy in years
3. McManus - Played once years ago
4. Costigan - No where near good enough to play rep footy anymore
5. Tahu - Way past his best
6. Uate - Current
7. Buderus - 34 and won't get another go
8. Snowden - Current
9. Boyd - Current
10. Taia - May have played for NZ but hasn't been good for a few years
11. Sau - Same as Taia

Basically they only had 4 genuine current rep standard players in Boyd, Uate, Snowden and Gidley and your argument that they have 10+ is completely stupid because those players are not picked in rep temas for a reason and it is mainly due to ongoing form. It would be like naming Matt Cooper and Ben Hornby as "rep players" when talking about the Dragons this year, they were rep players a long time ago but age and form make them anything but that now. You seriously need to actually think about things before you post them sometimes because these posts do make you look stupid because of how blatantly biased you are.

sooooooooo they had 11 rep players. we're not debating what is and isnt a trial match or who is or isnt over the hill. 11 rep players. up there with the most of any team in the competion (actually the highest iirc).

thanks for the list. also add willy mason to the list.
That is 4 current rep players and that is if you still count Gidley the rest are no where near current. You really like to just look at things in your own slanted way to help your very narrow argument don't you? That list is from the start of the season not after they picked up Mason who once again has not played rep footy in years and won't ever again. It is like you don't understand human logic or you choose not to because you are a smug wanker.
generally speaking, a rep player - even a former one - is going to be a better player than a non-rep player. buderus is really the only over the hill player out of them, and even then he was expected to be in the NSW team this year.

12 players with rep experience out of their 17.
AP agenda aside I think Bennett has still been a bust this year. Could turn it around for sure but the Knights have been pretty bad at times this year.

I also have to massively disagree with CF. To suggest that because he didn't say he would win a premiership he can't have failed is stupid and just as biased as AP.

I also somewhat disagree that he's done a good job coaching. He's come in, basically blacklisted some players rather than try and actually coach them and is basically in the process of trying to put Dragons players in Knights uniforms and had little success doing so. Given his high reputation and achievements I think he should have done more.

That's not to say he's the biggest flop - Sandow and Boyd easily top that list IMO.