2014 Halves Pairing

Marty Jay

Marty Jay

Sep 30, 2013
I'd love to see Hunt & Hunt or Milford & Hunt...depends which one we get


Made Legal Threat to BHQ
Oct 31, 2012


NRL Player
Feb 16, 2013
Exactly right it was Jared Kahu his older brother in the 2008 GF


NRL Player
Feb 16, 2013
I believe he went back to NZ. Not sure whether he is still playing


NRL Player
Feb 16, 2013
If we don't get Milford then the door is ajar and waiting for one of these young guys to kick it open unless he goes for Barba at 5/8 and Hoffman at fullback
I would imagine Hunt will start at halfback
Danoz Direct

Danoz Direct

NRL Captain
Oct 12, 2013
I think hunt and milford could be a deadly combo IMO
Danoz Direct

Danoz Direct

NRL Captain
Oct 12, 2013
Five-Eight for 2014

who do you think should or will be five-eight next season?


State of Origin Rep
Oct 9, 2011
Re: Five-Eight for 2014

Zach Strasser I like players playing in their best positions.
Harry Sack

Harry Sack

International Rep
Forum Staff
Jun 12, 2013
Re: Five-Eight for 2014

I honestly don't know. I'm taking Milf out of the equation at this stage, obviously if he's released he slots straight in. I think the below will all be tried there during the trials:


On Kahu, I seem to remember hearing he was a bit of a ball player or something back in the day? Could be wrong and if so scratch him from the list. Also wouldn't surprise me to see them give Macca a run at 6. Of those mentioned....I have no fucking idea which one I want. I know people are calling for the inclusion of Strasser....and if he can handle it I have no issue, but I do not want to see another Hunt situation where he comes off the bench for 30 or so a game as hooker. Point being, if it's going to be one of the younger guys, it's 6 or nothing....no middle ground.


NRL Captain
Aug 5, 2013
Do you think the could be a May Day to princey?


NRL Player
Jul 27, 2011
There has to be a signing for 5/8th before next year. Prince said he was still going to play next year and even fight for the spot, then all of a sudden retire. If I read a paper article of Hoffman or Barba take the #6 next year I will spit my coffee, throw the paper in the air and say **** this shit.


NRL Captain
Aug 5, 2013
There has to be a signing for 5/8th before next year. Prince said he was still going to play next year and even fight for the spot, then all of a sudden retire. If I read a paper article of Hoffman or Barba take the #6 next year I will spit my coffee, throw the paper in the air and say **** this ****.
I will join you in your 5/8 signing, coffee spitting , paper throwing, fucking and shitting.
but it's like the frog in the sauce pan . Suddenly it's kick off 2014 the waters boiling, no signings queue coffee , paper , shit ****.
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International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Still think we should have went for Williams when he was off contract. We don't even have a second half for next year. But I guess since the dumbest coach in the NRL was keeping him out of FG, that's as far as all the other coaches can see. Would have been good foil for Hunt, as he's a natural organiser while Hunt seems to be more of a 5/8th-ish sort of player.

Anyway, I seriously think either Hoffman or Barba will be in the halves next year. One of the rookies will make their debut once that combination struggles in the opening rounds.


QCup Player
Apr 14, 2013
The thought of never being able to play in a World Cup tears Justin Hodges up inside.

But one thing will make watching Australia run out without him almost bearable - fellow comeback king Brent Tate wearing his jersey.

Injury once again denied Hodges a final chance to tick the World Cup box on his glittering resume.

Recovering from the Achilles complaint that cut short his NRL season with Brisbane he says the thought of reclaiming his Test and Queensland jerseys next year is motivating him to return a better player.

And he is still entertaining a switch to five-eighth for the Broncos, insisting it may even extend his career.

But no amount of positive thinking will take away the heartache of missing the World Cup five years after injury also dashed his hopes.

"It's the only thing in my career I have not done," Hodges told AAP.

"It is a kick in the guts knowing someone is going to wear my jersey.

"But it is something that is going to drive me.

"I don't want to lose those jerseys due to injury. I want to leave them on my terms."

Arguably only one other player would be able to empathise and, coincidentally, he may run out as Hodges' replacement at the World Cup.

Five years ago Tate feared he would never play in another World Cup as he tried to comprehend the Kiwis' 34-20 boilover in the decider.

And three years ago, an inconsolable Tate believed his representative days were over when hit by the third serious knee injury of his career in the Four Nations final.

The North Queensland centre is now looking forward to dealing with some unfinished business and Hodges doesn't mind if he wears "his" Test jersey doing it.

"I am so happy to see him back in there. If I'd want anyone to get my jersey it would be him," Hodges said.

"We always roomed together at Origin.

"I know how hard he worked, how much pressure he put on himself to get back.

"He's inspirational."

But Hodges is doing his best to inspire the Broncos.

Nine weeks into his rehab, Hodges is so ahead of schedule he hopes to warm up for the opening Origin clash with a couple of NRL games in April.

"Having a goal is going to keep me motivated to come back and I am hoping to get back my Queensland and Australian jerseys," he said.

"If I had walked away from rep footy I don't think I would work as hard on getting the leg right."

Hodgo for 5/8?! I like it.

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