2018 NRL Side

But do you IDENTIFY as having been wrong? Because if you don't, then it is all relative and who is anybody to say anything about anyone or any state of right or wrongness because this would result in someone (if this person identifies as one, do not want to offend any numerically fluid being) possibly, slightly, even hinting at being offended. So, every numerically fluid being or state of flux persona non grata is a winner and nothing at all is ever wrong. Even the word wrong is never really wrong, it is all relative and therefore nothing actually is what it seems because it would be wrong to assume that you seem to think that it seems that you might be somehow, in some way, in any shape or form be perceivably wrong on any scale, form, plane or strata of existence if any numerically fluid perceivable in existence non grata believes it to be so.

Are we clear?
Smoke another one bro
The identification of error is apparent, only in the contextualisation of inherent conversions and penalties, based on the current state of football of an equine nature. It's flux state is obvious to the nature of humanity's frailties in very real sense (within the abstract field of all possible outcomes, based on Schrodinger's concept of multiple universes), but is essentially correct in its potential for its deviation of the truth as substantiated by a majority of observations of said sporting contests. Its ability to appease those observers in not verifiable in the immediate realisation of its outcome but is assumed to achieve said results, based on past experience. I hope that covers it? Now back to my theasarus reading.

Proper punctuation please. Enter key is your friend.
If Kahu is fully fit he’s definitely the first choice kicker even if Issako is named.
Just saw Milford in Garden City. Kid looks in good shape to me.

Slight disclaimer, I passed him as I was coming out of the food court so he might have been making a sneaky Macca's run.

You don't go to garden city for maccas.
Best not be casting aspersions over Garden City, seventh largest shopping centre in Australia, shining jewel in the crown of Westfield..


Oh good, societies elite have once again found time to come on BHQ and remind everyone how much better they are than the average.

Best check your floor plans, friend.

Garden City has 30,000 square metres on Inderparilly.
And the second most popular hangout for bogans just behind the Hyperdome.
When you come from NQ, nowhere in Brisbane even rates on the bogan scale.

You guys must hail from the verdant meadows and gated communities of the North side methinks..