What is it with the Referee's in this round. They are all having shockers. There have been major mistakes by every ref in pretty much every single game.
now it's Portugal's players turn to bitch about the refs. Pepe and Bruno Fernandes have said the nationality of the refs affected the outcome of their game against Morocco. Referee Facundo Tello, his two assistants and the video assistant referee were all from Argentina.
their coach has a differing view
Pepe said:
“It’s unacceptable for an Argentine referee to referee our game,” Pepe said on Portuguese television.
“After what happened yesterday, with (Lionel) Messi talking, all of Argentina talking, and the referee comes here.
“After what I saw today, they can give the title to Argentina now.”
“What did we play in the second half? The goalkeeper dropped to the ground. There were only eight minutes of stoppage time. We worked hard and the referee (only added on) eight minutes.”
Bruno Fernandes said:
“We already know how it works … before the game we already knew what we were in for, and what kind of referee we would find,”
“I don’t know if they’re going to give the trophy to Argentina.
“I don’t care, I’m going to say what I think and screw them. It’s very weird that a ref officiates us from a country still in the competition.
“Clearly they’ve tilted the field against us.
“Unfortunately, in these competitions, where there are no Portuguese referees, there are referees from teams that are still in the competition.
“It seems strange to me, to say the least, but I don’t want to get into that, because that’s not the only reason we lost.
“The referee gave two minutes of injury time in the first half and eight in the second. In this second half, the game was stopped, at minimum, for between 15 and 20 minutes.”
Fernandes added: “We knew that we would play against much more than just Morocco.”
Fernando Santos said:
“I don’t think so, I think he could have called for a foul on one or two (more) occasions but generally speaking I don’t think so,”
“I think we could have done more and we didn’t do so. I don’t think we should blame the referee, it doesn’t make sense.”