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Willison: ankle, season over.

That's the thing, even in criminal trials you never get every witness to corroborate exactly. It's actually evidence that they hadn't colluded at the point of reyno making that statement. The fact is, nobody is saying it was directed at the referee. Regardless of who he was talking to
But this is a case of a 2 sentence interaction.

It’s almost like Fox Sports et al playing the audio the last few days solidified the conversation for the witnesses.

Defence’s closing argument​

None of the NRL’s case is based on what the referee said…. The referee’s report is first port of call.
Not once did the NRL’s address refer you to the referee’s report.

Shouldn't that be the only evidence required in a case like this??

in a real court the judge would sanction the NRL and Knowles for bringing a frivolous lawsuit
I fancied myself a supreme bullshit artist at school. I usually succeeded in lying my way out of strife. No idea whether they knew I was lying but realized I'd snookered them. Probably.
Or they just couldn't be fucked continuing to argue... it's all about stamina 💪💪💪
I fancied myself a supreme bullshit artist at school. I usually succeeded in lying my way out of strife. No idea whether they knew I was lying but realized I'd snookered them. Probably.

And at that point decided you should play to that strength by becoming a frustrated amateur journalist? If a bunch of boofhead league fans can smell the bullshit, I have bad news for you.
8.24pm – Walsh's lawyer Ghabar is now summing up the fullback's defence.

He comes here and says 'yes there is no doubt I said what is attributed to me but I did not say that to the referee.' He doesn’t pursue the referee, player Carrigan comes over and there is definitely a conversion going on between player Carrigan and player Walsh. Yes, the referee is behind them," Ghabar said.

“Mr Knowles said the evidence of the players was ‘strikingly similar’. It was not said but there was some suggestion that the players had talked and got their stories straight. There was no admission of tailoring their evidence. It’s understandable that their evidence would be similar when you are telling the truth.”
Er, people lose court cases every day on the grounds of not being credible.

Be honest: do you really believe Walsh's story, or do you want to believe it?

Yeah, no shit. This isn't a court though, it's the judicary. It's all wink wink nudge nudge they don't dog on the boys and it's never come up, to my knowledge, that the witnesses are accused of lying.

Do i believe Walsh's story? I wasn't on the field but I've had conversations where people say something to me and I'd reply without looking at them. It's believable to me.
It's not an argument, it's how it works when you're accused of something and you try to talk your way out of it.
Yeah, and regardless of why you believe someone, whether you "want to believe them" or whether you believe them based on lackof other evidence, you still believe them. It's like saying someone is guilty despite the evidence because you "don't want to believe them". If the evidence is not convincing, nothing changes.
And at that point decided you should play to that strength by becoming a frustrated amateur journalist? If a bunch of boofhead league fans can smell the bullshit, I have bad news for you.
Are you honestly complaining because I went to the effort of stripping the copyrighted content from articles and reposting them here when the site was being hounded by Newscorp? Go **** yourself, dickhead. No seriously, shove you amateur journalist shit up your arse you ungrateful fuckwit.
“Mr Knowles said the evidence of the players was ‘strikingly similar’. It was not said but there was some suggestion that the players had talked and got their stories straight. There was no admission of tailoring their evidence. It’s understandable that their evidence would be similar when you are telling the truth.”

The video evidence supports this.
8.24pm – Walsh's lawyer Ghabar is now summing up the fullback's defence.

He comes here and says 'yes there is no doubt I said what is attributed to me but I did not say that to the referee.' He doesn’t pursue the referee, player Carrigan comes over and there is definitely a conversion going on between player Carrigan and player Walsh. Yes, the referee is behind them," Ghabar said.

“Mr Knowles said the evidence of the players was ‘strikingly similar’. It was not said but there was some suggestion that the players had talked and got their stories straight. There was no admission of tailoring their evidence. It’s understandable that their evidence would be similar when you are telling the truth.”
Look at the difference in the way that Knowles and Ghabar talk. Knowles should be taking notes.
Are you honestly complaining because I went to the effort of stripping the copyrighted content from articles and reposting them here when the site was being hounded by Newscorp? Go **** yourself, dickhead. No seriously, shove you amateur journalist shit up your arse you ungrateful fuckwit.
There’s that private schoolboy charm.