2024 State of Origin discussion



International Rep
Apr 14, 2013
since when did the NRL start giving a shit about that rule. the Storm, Roosters and Panthers have been abusing it for years

They ask clubs every week for a please explain why certain actions were taken.

Cotter came off when he didn't hit his head and Grant didn't come off when he was leaking litres of blood.

Hammer didn't go through the interchange official when he came back on.

I am sure Ikin is typing away right now.


NRL Captain
Mar 16, 2017
A bit precious aren't you. I've got a good memory of you calling posters here dumb and idiots and generally acting like a troll, so if you're going to carry on like that, don't be surprised that people will have a go at you every now and then. You're one of those blokes who is happy to give it but has a little cry when you cop it back.
Rubbish. I don't know who the **** you are talking about but it wasn't me. I have never once called anybody an idiot since I have been on here. I was told not to go or tone down what I say on broncos related threads because a few of guys are precious and don't deal well with somebody that isn't a broncos fan commenting about them so it is the complete opposite actually.

I find it hilarious that you think me of all people can't cop it back. That is just a straight fucking lie. I cop it all the time on here and give it back just as good. Most people are great here and it is good banter.

It's little babies like you that think they are some fucking gatekeeper of an internet forum and constantly bring up why I am here and tell me to go away. That's when I get the shits. I'll comment on what I want and what I think about the topic. Especially non related Broncos ones. So **** outta here with your whiny bullshit and don't reply to me and block me if you don't want to engage. Plenty have.


QCup Player
May 21, 2018
I have never once called anybody an idiot since I have been on here.
After multiple posters had said they were against resting players towards the end of last year:

Anybody that thinks not having rest before finals is an idiot. That is being kind.
You simply don't play guys if you have your position stamped. It is dumb but is not surprising some of you guys think they should play....

I like the fantastic grammar you use when calling people idiots. I'm going to leave it here because the back and forth isn't great for the board, but if you feel like writing more paragraphs about how you aren't a whiny dickhead who gets easily bothered, you can private message me.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
couple fish GIF by I Love Kellie Pickler


NRL Captain
Mar 16, 2017
After multiple posters had said they were against resting players towards the end of last year:

I like the fantastic grammar you use when calling people idiots. I'm going to leave it here because the back and forth isn't great for the board, but if you feel like writing more paragraphs about how you aren't a whiny dickhead who gets easily bothered, you can private message me.
That is a generalised statement in which I said "anybody that thinks this". At no point is that singling a person out and calling them an idiot or dumb. Try again clown.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 26, 2008
Ponga back this weekend.
Big game from him might give Bill a bit to think about.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
since when did the NRL start giving a shit about that rule. the Storm, Roosters and Panthers have been abusing it for years

I've seen Nathan Cleary cop a head knock that many times, don't think I have seen him come off the field yet.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Here's hoping for a Ponga master class and Walsh not getting picked... let Ponga be the crash test dummy for NSW "defence"
Let's hope Billy doesn't do something nutty like play both but bench one of them. If Walsh plays Origin, there's a real chance it will end up costing us the season.


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