We need to learn to get to the ground for a quick play the ball. Making an extra metre in attack but ending up on your back causing a slow play the ball is killing our attack. Watch some of the Storm and Roosters forwards who are almost horizontal when they hit the defensive line as they head for the ground and a quick play the ball.
Yup, commented this after the first storm game earlier in the year.
They were more than happy for Haas to walk 3 extra meters while they held him upright letting their defence get set. The very next tackle, we struggled to make 2-4 meters over the ad line because we were completely swamped.
They flipped Patty onto his back several times - he sprang up quickly but still slowed him down a lot.
They had great line speed and excellent kick pressure. We were often kicking from our own 40 which against a quality backline often means you're lucky to contain them within their 20, often a bit further out.
Their forwards were doing a bump and drop, they'd make contact with bumpers up to force the opposing forwards onto the backfoot briefly, then they'd drop low in the tackle and push with their legs at a 45 degree angle, the second they stopped good go forward, they'd push down to get the ball to the grass then get a quick play the ball. JB was easily the best at this tactic and all of his play the balls were way too quick as a result - next carry from them normally went to someone with a bit of pace and they either made 15 or broke the first tackle or line.
I think a lot of it is down to manipulation of the refs and the way they call held in tackles. The NRL has created this problem which teams like storm abuse masterfully.
The refs could level the playing field, they are either instructed not to or don't want to.
Easy changes they could make:
- A tackle is a tackle - once forward momentum has stopped, everyone gets to tackle for the same length of time. If that's 3 seconds, then it's always three seconds. Legs tackles, upright, voluntary, doesn't matter. When the wrestle is "on" they frequently don't call held for a lot longer than this. The second someone gets a legs tackle, they almost demand the player be instantly released. This only rewards the wrestlers.
- Ban the third man in from the side or behind. They want hipdrops etc out the game. The two blokes are only getting pushed backwards because they are trying to hold the player up, not putting all of their effort into stopping him from moving forward. Ban the third man in, this tactic must change as a result. How do you drop the big boys like NAS? See point one, proper Rugby League tackles we were all taught as kids - stop penalsing people for using them.
- Play the ball on the mark. Seriously... this should be able to be challenged, particularly when the ref blows a penalty or six again. And it should be a reason to deny a try. So many players are pushing even after they are called held. It's 100% on the ref to make them play it where they were stopped -but often don't - even more galling is they often get rewarded for it with a six again etc.